Scourge X Fiona

450 20 6

Okay well let's start off first with this. I'm sorry I haven't been doing a lot of these. Only reason is because my mom got into a car accident and she's in the hospitals and a lot of other stuff. I hope y'all can forgive me. Okay so on with this couple......


I may always have them as the bad guys in my stories, but I just love this couple! They kinda remind me of Bonnie and Clyde (its a long story, if ya don't know about Bonnie and Clyde, please look it up. Don't ask me).

Fiona reminds me of a bad girl who stands up to anyone and anything. And if Scourge is a big and bad then I think him and Fiona would work just fine.

Rate: 8.2 That's the rate. Love you guys! See ya next time!

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