Ch.1 - Death To A Virus.

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There I Was.

Laying Down On A Hospital Bed.

I Lied There Helpless And Quite Weak, I also felt a bit of fear. My Mother was watching on a chair nearby the window looking at Me and looking back at the doctors as the Doctors were telling her something.

I'm Pretty Sure they didn't want me to know, But I make out what they were saying... kinda.

I could only hear make out the word 'sorry but-', that probably means, in the best case scenario, that what I have is an unknown disease, BUT it could be cured cause it's similar to whatever is curable out there-

Huh? Why is my mother looking at me.. weirdly.. Am I drooling again?

..Why... am I feeling.. weaker than usual... Huh- I- my chest feels painful..- what? Why can't I move My head- my arms too..?

What is happening?.. Huh? A doctor? Why Does she look like she has just seen a ghost?

I try to talk but what comes out is... "squeak"

..what the fuck.

Huh, what's this weird thing on my.. is this.. Ketc- blood?

My chest is hurting a lot more... Urgh..

Wait.. My toes! I Can't Feel My Toes! Not the toes!

What's Happening? I'm Confused. I Need to know what's happening to me-

Suddenly... I Pass Out.







...where.. am I? Is that.. a ceiling I Haven't seen before?.. or am I simply just dreaming?

"Hello Human.."

Hello random voice in my dreams, what is your wisdom?.. wait why don't I feel pain anymore?

"I am not.. Actually, I am a voice of some sorts. I am here to grant and revoke something for you and something from you."

are you..

"No, I Am Not Your Father."

oh, then.. who..

"As you said, I Am A Voice, and as I said, I Grant And Revoke."

Ok... where am I? what happened to me? Am I-

"Shut Up."


"...How About This.. You Sign A Contract With Me."

..why should I?

"Why Shouldn't you?"

Most villains make people sign contracts that make bad stuff happen or something.. why should I believe this contract isn't one of those?

"Fair Point. But You Don't Have A Choice."


"You Still Don't Believe This Is Real. You Still Think This Is Some Sort Of Lucid Dream."


"I know this is real, you don't."

..If I pinch myself, I can prove you wrong sentient voice in my dreams.

"Do It. If You Pinch Yourself, I'll Force The Contract. You Can Only Add 3 Things To The Contract."

you're scared that I'm gonna prove you wrong?

"Don't You realize? You're way too aware of this. Well, You're supposed to be aware. But You're too stupid."

..well I don't FEEL the.. weird pain that I was feeling before I.. slept? so this Is a dream.

"Alright. I Guess It IS Time For You To Wake Up... Bitch."

heh.. you admitted that.. this.. is.. huh? I feel.. sleepy...-




"You're Cornered, Give Up You Miserable Reptile."


"You Planning To Fight Back? Even If You Kill Us, The War Lord Will Get Rid Of You Himself. 0Oh Well, Kill It."

Men Start Charging Toward The Reptile As It Blasts Something Purple.

An Explosion Happens That Makes The Cave Shake.


The Fight Goes On for about 8 seconds more before the reptile was impaled through the head.

"Finally.. sir, we got it..."

"Hurry Up.. Take Those Scales. And Then Use The Rest However You Like."

The Men Start Carrying The Body Out Of The Cave.
While Doing So Some Cuts Off The Wings And Seems To Plan To use It As A Floor Mat Of some sorts.

"Oi Boys! The Man is Calling All Of Us Back!"


All The People Who Were Checking Around In Case There were any eggs decided to leave as they were being called by their.. Master? Lord? Chief?

While Leaving... Someone Accidentally Pushed Forward An Oval Shaped Stone And Made It Start Rolling Down To The Deep Part Of The cave.
(Please.. Please don't say it-)

As It Rolled Deeper And Deeper Into The Cave, It Fell Down A Cliff And- It.. Cracked?

Suddenly Something Pops Out Of The Oval-shaped Stone... A Reptile. A Winged One. A Dragon.


That's It For Now, ye.

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