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I personally love this ship.

Do people hate it because of stupid reasons? Yes.

Are those reasons even cannon?
Well.... No.

The problem of this ship is that many people belive fresh and error are brothers. Which, mind you. They're not brothers. They were only brothers in a momma CQ comic, and geno also isn't brothers with them.

Since. If I have to remind you. ERROR WAS GENO IN THE PAST, Geno is just a past version of error.

While fresh is a living parasite who posseses bodies of sanses, so there's no possible way there related.

Now, onto the other problem, fresh is emotionless, which isn't that big of a deal considering ink doesn't have a soul and actual emotions but is still shipped with sanses, And the fact that error is terrified of fresh.

So. Yeah. That's it, I personally rate it a 100/100, I really love the ship. It's a great ship until VALIDLY being proven wrong.

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