~Ganyu, was it?~

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As Keqing waited for the principal to come she kept thinking over and over:

"what will I say to her once I see her?", "Maybe I'll meet her after class.." she thought.

"Hm? Keqing? Is there a reason you're here? " asked the principal (aka Ei)

Keqing was still thinking in her mind of the girl she met. "Hm? Ah..My apologies, Ei what were you saying?"

"Ahem. I was asking about your reasoning for being here. "

"Oh, The planning committee needed you to sign some papers for this year's prom," said Keqing.

"Place them on my desk. I'll sign them when I have the time. As for you, I have some errands for you to run if you would be so kind."

"I'll see to it. Anything else?" Keqing asked.

"Yes. You may take someone to help you. I need this done in an hour's time. Please take these envelopes and give them to each teacher."

"Okay, I'll start right away." Keqing said leaving the office. She knew exactly who she was going to pick to help her. She walked all the way to class 1B and entered the class room.

" Is there something I can help you with Ms. Keqing? " asked lisa. Keqing handed Lisa the envelope and replied with: "Can I borrow the girl with the blue hair and the horn's, please?. "

"Of course, Ganyu sweetie. Your needed by Keqing here please gather all your thing's"

Ganyu got up out of her seat confused. She picked up all of her things and placed them in her bag. She sighed and thought: "A-Am I in trouble? I know I didn't do anything.."

Keqing just stared at her observing every inch of her, she wasn't paying that much attention the first time but this time she made sure to.

Ganyu walked up to Keqing and asked. "A-Am I I-In trouble..?"

"No, but I wanted your help with handing envelopes out to every teacher,'' Keqing replied.

"O-Oh okay..I'll help you." Ganyu said Thinking of how cute Keqing looked. Her hair was shaped like cat ears and Ganyu thought the serious look that she always puts on was adorable.

"I didn't quite catch your name when we first met. Ganyu, was it?" asked Keqing.

"Y-Yes..That's it.." Replied Ganyu, looking down at the ground shyly. Keqing smiled and took Ganyu's hand. "Comon, Let's get moving, we have 45 minutes left." 

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