~I have to do this...for Ganyu's sake.~

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"K-Keqing..I want to help with Ayaka as well," Ganyu said.

Keqing sighed, she knew what her answer would be.

"Surly Ganyu would understand what's at stake here, yes?"

Keqing thought.

"Ganyu unfortunately, I can't let you. " Keqing said sadly.

Ganyu looked down, she wanted to ask why,

But soon realized Keqing wouldn't let her

Even if she gave proper reasoning.

"You're too Important to me."

Ganyu's eyes widen by Keqings words

She soon blushed looking up at her, squeezing her hand.

"Hm? W-Why are you looking at me like that..?!" Keqing asked.

"I-I didn't know..you cared s-so much about me.." Ganyu said shyly.

"Of course I do, Ganyu. Now go on. Go inside of your classroom

We'll talk later."

Ganyu smiled then kissed Keqing on the cheek before entering the classroom.

"H-Hey!" Keqing said before sighing and going off

To investigate Ayaka's disappearance.

"Ah Keqing~ There you are my kitty~"

Miko giggled.

"Excuse me? I'm not your kitty! And make this quick, I have work to do! "

Keqing said in an annoyed tone.

Miko simply giggled and walked closer to her.

"I guess you simply want me to cut to the chase on what i'm here

For, Hm?" Miko sighed before continuing.

"Ei wants you to stop your little investigation on, little

Ms. Ayaka."

"Wh-What.." Keqing said slowly, getting angry.

Miko giggled. "My apologies, Keqing. But Ei simply believes

That you can't handle the situation, we wouldn't

Want our kitty getting hurt, now would we?"

"I have to! I-"

"You made a promise to your qilin?",

"Sorry kitty, You'll have to stay out~"


Miko began walking away, leaving Keqing very mad.

Keqing sighed and began walking to her office.

"I have to do this...for Ganyu's sake." Keqing thought.

Sorry for the delay on this!  I guess you're wondering where Ayaka is?

That takes us to our next chapter! Have a nice day everyone :)

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