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You were awake all night thinking about what Vance said."well I can't say the same for you".he didn't miss you.He didn't care about you.That hurt.That hurt really bad.

You were so hurt.Tears fell from your eyes soaking Finney's shirt.You didn't know what to do.All you could feel was guilt.


"Y/n,your suck get out there more dude" Vance yelled at you both walked home.you nodded."why don't you ever talk" he asked.

You ignored him and walked faster."y/n you know you act like a bitch"."and you act like a dick" you yelled."I would have never gotten suspended if you weren't being a asshole". You guys were arguing about how he got you suspended a few days ago.

"Asshole,me asshole".he asked."yeah"."well at least I'm not the schools weirdo and I'm popular" he said."well maybe I like this life Vance you've always been this way to me,to your own sister"

"You don't even want people to know I'm your sister,why does everyone hate me"you said."fuck you y/n,suck a dick" "fuck you,you shit bag" you walked to a ally which was another way to your house.

When you got home you saw that Vance wasn't there.You went to your dad and asked him where he was."dad,did Vance come home"you asked.

"No he might be with his friends" "ok,I'll call".you went to the house phone and called Bruce "h-hey Bruce" "hey y/n"
"Is Vance at yours".you asked "no, everyone is at my house but Vance didn't come".

"Oh,ok well I uh I'll see you soon" you said awkwardly "wait,I'm sorry if I weirded you out by asking you out"."you didn't"."oh,ok um I haven't heard your voice in a while".

"Yeah,I just like the introverted thing" you said smiling."but uh I have to go see where Vance is"."ok,bye"
"Bye Bruce". You hung up and told your dad he wasn't with his friends.

"I think I know where he is"."go get your brother...hey I haven't heard you talk in a long time".you rolled your eyes and got your skateboard and looked for Vance.

You couldn't find him anywhere.You began to get worried and so you went home because it was getting really late."fuck,fuck,fuck" you said to yourself.

You went to your room and thought he might've just stayed at a friend's house secretly and would come back the next day.

You woke up and went to his room with a smile on your face just to see an empty bed.Your smile faded."what the fuck".you said to yourself.you went to the kitchen to your mom and dad talking on the phone with a police officer.

"What happened"you said."honey,your brother went missing,he isn't at anyone's house" "b-but I was with hime yesterday"."where,where was the last place you saw him"."we were walking home and he said some things so I left,to the ally".

"Fuck".your dad said."I'm sorry" you said."it's all your fault,y/n" "h-how"."you left him,my baby" your mom said.All you could do was cry.Cry sitting there standing in front of your parents.

"I-Im just gonna go".you went to your room and got dressed for school.You left not even looking your parents in the eyes.You walked to school with mascara flowing from each of your eyes.

It looked like everyone already knew but they payed no attention to you because they didn't know that you were siblings.

"Ow" a girl said faking a scratch.The teacher admittedly sent her to the nurse's office.She looked at you with disgust on her face and continued teaching."am I useless" you thought to your self.

Before you knew it class was over.You went to your normal route of walking home and seen the paper of the blond boy.You picked it up and sobbed while hugging it.

"Im so sorry".you said as you sobbed.You continued walking as you held the paper crying.You went to your room and laid in your bed."this sucks".you laughed."this really fucking sucks".

You sat up when you heard your dad call you and went to the living room where he was standing."y/n,here" he said handing you a backpack that was really heavy."what's in here" you said slightly chuckling.

"Your punishment,your gonna stand against this wall with that backpack on all night and day and if you come off I kill you" he said while pulling a gun out of his back pocket.

You gasped and put the backpack on and stood in the corner.Afternoon went to evening and soon it was dark out.You still had the backpack full of bricks on your back making your shoulders soar.

"Mom,can I stop now" you yelled loud enough for your parents to hear."like I said,if you come out I will kill you".your dad said."but dad-" "I don't wanna hear it".all you could do was cry.

The next morning you were still standing the with your spaghetti strap shirt on.The side of your shoulders were now red...like really red.You had bags under your eyes also would with tears following.

Your parents walked in with a look of disappointment."I can't believe you could do this to your brother"."I didn't do anything"."if he's dead,your a murderer"your mom said.

"But I-"."I can't even look at you"your dad said walking away.You just stood there nearly about to faint."you can get out of here,go to school" your mom yelled.

You went to your room and got dressed and came out.You ran out the house without looking at your parents.You could barely walk which was embarrassing.

You got to class and sat down while almost falling. everyone laughed at you except Finney but you didn't know.You put your huddy over your head.if there's one thing you learned from Vance,it would be to ignore people.

*Out of flashback*.

When Finney woke up he was wondering why he was so wet."what the hell is this" he asked."it's uh,tears sorry" you said."why were you crying"."nothing I just thought about something" you said quickly "oh". You rubbed the back of your neck and got off the mattress.

You went to a corner and sat in it still thinking about all the other things that caused you trama.It was to traumatic that the situation that was happening now didn't scare you...or anything.

You wanted to let all that Anger out so you got up and went to the center of the room and yelled.finney looked confused and hugged you.

"What's wrong,you ok"."yeah just need to get some things out" "well we can talk about anything ok" "ok" you smiled.you went to the toilet to use the bathroom and came out a few minutes later.

Then the grabber came in.

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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