up to something

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"What kind of wine do you want?" I looked through the different bottles

"Doesn't really matter to me." I hummed wedging the phone between my shoulder and ear so I could reach out and grab a bottle

"Red or white?" I turned a bottle over in my hand reading the label

"Red." Her voice was distant and somewhat muffled through the phone

"K." Looking through a few bottles I kept the phone to my ear hearing a bunch of different sounds coming from her end "What are you doing?" She didn't respond the noise only amplifying "Lauren." I called louder glancing around to make sure I didn't catch anyone's attention

"What?" She sounded somewhat breathless, what is she doing I left her watching TV not even 10 minutes ago

"What are you doing?" She didn't answer for a second the rustling finally stopping

"Nothing." Does she think I'm dumb

"Sure." I conceded, she allowed to have her secrets every once and a while. Besides she couldn't be doing anything bad I've been gone for like 5 minutes and well be back soon

"Are you almost done?" I the rustling once again picked up but I ignored it. Making my way up to the register I pulled out my card and ID

"Ya I'm paying no-" I was cut off by a loud crash followed by the sound of Lauren cursing. The line went silent for a few seconds before the sounds once again picked up

"Ok cool love you bye." Before I could respond she hung up. I stood in shock for a second before rolling my eyes. I finished paying and left debating on whether I should stop and get something to eat or not

Driving back home I thought about all the fast food places I could stop. There was a McDonald's and Burger King right by the house. I'll ask Lauren what she wants

Grabbing my phone I attempted to call her only for it to ring. That's suspicious, that's wierd. I tried calling her again only to get the same response, what is this women possible doing in the 10 minutes I've been gone

Huffing I tossed my phone onto the passenger seat, I'll just go home. Lauren is obviously doing something so I'll just wait till I get home to see

Before I knew it I was pulling into drive way. Scanning the house as I walked up I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.

"Baby I'm home." I called out walking into the house. It was silent, not even a dog barking. Narrowing my eyes I slowly walked through the house, Lauren is definitely up to something

Setting the wine bottle on the kitchen counter I searched the house. Starting with the bedroom I saw Lauren's sweats and hoodie throw on the floor in what looked like a haste, this girl really wants me to think she's cheating don't she

With no sign of Lauren in the bedroom I moved to the bathroom, nothing. Then the living room and once again nothing. Seriously where is this woman, I haven't even heard a sound

Walking back into the kitchen I paused in my steps, where did the wine go?

This is turning into some horror movie shit and I'm not here for it

"Lauren." I called getting no response

Huffing I thought it over trying to figure out where she could be. The only place I hadn't checked was the backyard, but what would she be doing back there

Rolling my eyes I made my way to the sliding glass door. Throwing the door opened I stopped in my tracks shocked by what I saw

Laid out on the grass was a big blanket with pillows and blankets laid out on it rose petals sprinkled everywhere. Shrimp Alfredo and the bottle of wine sat in the middle of the blanket

Stepping farther out I caught sight of the huge white sheet covering the wall the beggining scene of Harry Potter projected onto it

"Finally." My attention snapped over to where the voice had come from "You took forever." Standing there was Lauren in a very nice dress a glass of wine in each hand and a bright smile, I knew she was up to something

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