-Russian Roulette- (part 2)

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"Michael, your back." says Alex.
"Yes indeed I am but you did know I was gonna come home."
"I did."
"Then why didn't you wait."
"I do not need your permission to touch a woman who had just gained my trust."

You blushed. You did trust him. But Michael he looks mean. I will admit he was very good looking. Brown hair mixed with red. A tux from his business meeting. But he was very large and way taller than you, just up to his nipples. Just like Alex and Hudson. Hudson burst into the room.

"what's going on here, Y/N?" he looked at you confused.
"Hudson, did you know Alex was getting a head start on the maid."
"Hudson" says Michael angrily.
"Mike, Y/N isn't a race on who gets to her first we have to go eat dinner so can BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

Hudson was mad. Really mad. He really cared about me?He lifted you off of Alex's lap started to carry you to the elevator.

"Alex, Michael, you sort your problems here while me and Y/N go enjoy our dinner that I asked the chef specifically to make for us."

He puts you down in the elevator and pressed the button to go down.

"Are you mad at me?"
"Never, I could never get mad at you. Alex... He is obsessed with you. You know that?"
"He is?"
"Isn't it obvious, I heard. I couldnt help it. While walking to the bathrooms I leaned my head against the door and listen."
"That's embarrassing."
"Dont be embarrassed. It's okay. Your going to change him. He's like a brother to me. So is Michael. They are nicer without women. Once they know you trust them, they will get more calmer like me. Until then give them what they want."

The elevator door opened. Hudson grabbed your hand and led you to the massive ballroom. Michael and Alex were there. Your eyes were gleaming. If looked exactly like the ballroom from beauty and the beast.

"woah" you say while you look at the ceiling,
"I see the boys are here."

Mike and Alex are in brand new tuxes and are staring at you. Alex taps mike on the shoulder and Mike gets up. Hudson nods and let's go of your hand. He walks over to the table and sits down. Alex kneels down and kisses your hand, while michael comes to your other side and does the same.

"We are really happy you made it."
"Why wouldn't I have come?"
"Mike and I have been not the best bosses."

Hudson claps and says, "YOU THINK!"

Alex turns his head at Hudson and says, "I GET IT BASTARD." And turns his head back to you. The doors shoot open. A loud ringing noise causing everyone to flinch and 6 people came in singing the same song. All of them had a stringed instrument.
They started to play a romantic song. 10 people came in with 3 plates of food each. 30 plates in total. You never seen so much food in your life.


"Thank you very much Burtrem."

He bowed down put a flat board between his arm and left.

"Butler, his name is Burt but we call him Burtrem cause we thought it was funny."

Everyone laughed.

"You guys never told me how old you all are."

Sydney came in.

"Y/N, Alex and Mike are 23 and Hudson 22"

"Thank you Sydney."

"No problem." said Sydney as she sat at the table.

"Princess, how old are you? 21?"
"Heh- I wish"
"Yea alex has a point though. How old are you?"
"Uhm you guys will be surprised."
"It can't be that bad."
"I just turned 19 last week."
"WE WANTED TO FUCK A 19 YEAR OLD?" screams Alex
"WHAT THATS ABSURD!" screams Michael

-Russian Roulette- (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now