-Russian Roulette- (part 4)

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Next day.
You wake up in your bed because Hudson insisted you sleep in your own for once. You walk to the elevator and go to the laundry room. Michael already standing there.
He turned around holding your dress.

"Looking for this?"
"Sure am." You say grabbing it.

He smiled.

"Hungry? I prepared breakfast."
"You? Michael Arison? Made breakfast?"
"Well~ I don't know how to cook. But I asked the chef to make us a lovely breakfast."

You giggled and he smiled.

"Come on you big idiot let's go."

You cling onto his arm and lead him out. Back to the ballroom where you had a lovely dance with Hudson there was a big table replaced again.

"Alex, Hudson! Y/N woke up."
"Great, come sit next to me." Alex said smiling.

Michael left the room and went to get Sydney for breakfast. They come back and sit. Hudson sat across from you looking miserable at his food. He looked back up at you and saw he had a black eye.

"Hudson! What happened to your eye?!" You yell.

He didn't answer just kept eating his food. Michael looked nervous. But he continued eating.

"Anyway, Hudson and I have a meeting to get to after we eat. Right Hudson."

"Yeah..." he mumbled.

Something was off about him today.

"Y/N. Princess, you'll be with Michael for today. You could either have fun with him or work. It doesn't matter. I hired another woman to work for us. But not to worry she's around Sydney's age so I hope you guys get along."
"Yay! I love new arrivals!"Scream Sydney in delight.

Everyone but Hudson laughed. He looked angry. He dropped his fork onto his plate got up and pushed in his chair. Then he sped walked to the door.

"Will you all excuse me." You say sprinting after him.

You opened the door and he was by the front door already.

"Hudson! Wait!"
"Not right now Y/N. I have work."

He stopped at the door. You got up to him and turned him around to see he had a black eye.

"Hudson who did this to you?"
"No one. I fell."

You signed.

"Don't play that game. I know something happened. So tell me."
"Not right now!" He said pushing you away and leaving the building.

That wasn't Hudson. Something happened last night to him. And you had to find out. As you walked back to the ballroom Sydney came out.

"Is he alright hun? He's never this mean."
"I know. That's why I followed him. He pushed me."
"Oh dear. That's not the Hudson I know."
"I turned him around and saw he had a black eye. Someone hurt him."
"You sure?"
"Positive. He said he fell. But I don't believe that for a second."
"Mmm. You should go to the ballroom and finish eating. A new maids coming in a few minutes."
"Alright, thanks for your time Syd."
"No problem hun."

You walk back to the ballroom. You peek your head in and listen to what they are talking about.

"Michael. Did you see Hudson's eye? He looked beat up."
"Uhm ye-yea I saw it."
"Well I gotta get going so see ya later Mike."

You walk in as Alex left.

"Oh have a nice day princess." Alex said kissing you cheek.
You walk into the ballroom.

"Y/N! You're here!"
"Why would I not be?"
"I don't know I thought you were mad at me."
"For what. Pushing you in the pool. Throwing cake into you face. Wanting to fuck you while you were naked on the bar table."
"Okay?... Anyway, what do you wanna do today?"
"I was thing about going to an amusement park. Or zoo."
"Amusement park! Fun fact I've never been to one."
"Then let's make this your first time."
"Oh and Michael."
"Call me Mike."
"Okay, Mike, don't dress like a body guard. Dress like a normal person that doesn't own a company worth the whole state."

-Russian Roulette- (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now