Chapter Four

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Mr. Wilson and John hurried out the tanker.

Explosions and gunshots rang out. Armed guards fired at the invaders. Mr. Wilson ran to a woman commanding the battle.

"They blew up our ships," said the woman, John heard Mr. Wilson call her Captain Davies.

"Try to slow them down," Mr. Wilson said. "We have to buy time for people to get to the secret harbor."

Captain Davies shook her head, "We won't make it, too many of them." 

Mr. Wilson nodded in understanding, "Keep fighting, I need ten minutes to collapse that loop. That will buy us some time."

"How are you going to collapse that loop, are you an ymbryne?" John asked.

"No, I'm a loop keeper. That loop was going to collapse when I found it, my loop clock is what keep it from breaking. No time for lesson, now. Blanche, take this boy to our secret harbor. Now! Go!"


Blanche grabbed Johns arm, led him to the dock. "We can't go this way," John shouted as a rocket hit the branch pier.

Flames blocked their way. 

"Damn it, that way." Blanche turned to the direction toward jungle.

More rockets was launched. John could see their flaming tails clearly, then hear something explode.

They ran past tanks and burning buildings as shots rang out behind them. They ran faster and faster, but before they could run into the forest, a man blocked their way.

Lieutenant Harris pointed a pistol at them.

"Give me that doll and maybe I will spare your lives."


Mr. Wilson rushed back to the tanker. He walked toward the wooden Victorian clock. He had to make only one adjustment to make this loop collapse in ten minutes.

Suddenly, he heard the unmistakable triple-step echo of two feet plus a tongue.

He pulled out his pistol and fired at the hollow. The bullets hit the creatures chest and fell to the ground. The hollow pounced to him. Wilson slid under the long table. He tried to crawl to the clock but a tongue entangled his leg.

The hollow pulled him toward its jaws.


"Give me that doll and maybe I will spare your lives," Harris said.

John slowly approached him, one hand on his bag.

Harris loaded his gun, "Hand me the doll."

John took out Penny, raise it in front of his face. While all the wights attention were on John, Blanche opened her mouth, launched a stream of venom from under her forked tongue. The venom landed on the wights head, melting his face. Harris fired the pistol in shock but missed. John punched the wight in stomach and took his gun.

Then the two ran into the forest, fast as fast can be.


Captain Davies used up all her bullets, so she threw away her gun, summoning the power within her. Her palms unleashed a massive blast of energy, turning the wights in front of her into smoking corpses.

"Its been fifteen minutes, the loop should have collapsed," she heard a soldier said. Before she could answer, a projectile hit her neck.

A dart.

She felt the energy inside her fading.

Then she heard something rolled to her feet.

Before she could look down, the grenade ended her life.

Legacy of the Birds: Book One of the Spark(A MPHFPC Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now