
54 1 1

So good~...

(Levi p.o.v)
Glaring  at Hange from the corner of his eye he was honestly confused and kind of bored out of his mind. The guys were just talking about how they were so good at the game. While he had his stoic cold expression.  "Son of a bitch had been crying and didn't complain to me about it, how weird."

He thought to himself as he saw her eyes, they were all red and puffy from crying. Hange always annoyed Levi to the core when she cried, he honestly hated it. This time it was weird. He felt like he was somehow not trusting to Hange anymore. It could have been him overthinking but something kept on bugging him. Of corse he didn't do anything about it. They are stupid feelings after all.
He watched as she walked away onto the streets and sidewalks and disappeared at one point. 

Hange pov:

Walking on the sidewalk kicking stones and whatever got in my way, I felt drops of water on my head and nose. Looking up I saw a drop stain my glasses, I immediately began to pop my neck and prepared to make a run for it.

Finally getting home, absolutely drenched in water and my bags with important school papers now destroyed

I was livid 🤩

I began laughing hysterically as I got on my knees and slammed my fist on the floor.

Being the psychopath that I am, I continued laughing and it slowly turned into pain induced and agonizing screaming....or that's what I wanted to do.

Standing there, Looking at my hands, I was shaking so badly.
I really didn't know what to do anymore. I wanted to never go back to school, honestly.

" I am technically an adult" I told myself as i grabbed my now destroyed papers and threw them in the bin.

"I can drop out of high school, right?"

"No that wouldn't benefit me really" I said to myself now feeling that I'm thinking too far ahead of myself.

"...I'm gonna go and take a shower... just to show that dickhead that I can be just as clean as his Fucking ass..." I made my way to my restroom and showered.

(End p.o.v)

After showering she went down to her basement where her drum set was. It was her dads but he gave it to her as some sort of heirloom I'd you wanna call it that. She honestly lost it at this point.

She was basically screaming at the top of her lungs along with the beat of the drums. She cried and cried screamed to her hearts content for hours where she would be left alone. She was being too rough at one point where she broke the drumstick and stabbed the palm of where her thumb started.

"SHIT" she screamed while she tried wiping her tears and made her way to the kitchen.
Hissing in pain she placed pressure in the wound and disinfected it. She looked at her phone and it was one in the morning.
"What the fuck? It's been like two hours since I got home."

(She got home at 10PM)

There was a shit ton of messages from Erwin, Nanaba and Moblit. And none from Levi. ( What does she expect anyways?)

"I really need to get some sleep it's fucking killing me ugh" she said while holding her head. So off to bed she went.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2022 ⏰

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