Chapter Three

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Dean's POV:

We were sitting on Jody's couch eating whatever food she had. We emptied her place out. She was yelling back and forth at the girls for taking the car and not putting gas in it. Cass was looking worried for Claire but we both stopped him from interfering in their business. This was the last time we would ever see them and they didn't need to know what we were planning.

Sam had everything ready once we had our death and it would come in as income to personal accounts that he made with fake everything. We even had fake names in place. I wanted a little bit of remembrance in who we were. So, I chose the name John Singer. If you can't guess where the names come from, our blood father and our not blood father.

Sam wanted something much different and went for a harder name: Joshua Darr. I had no idea where he came up with the name but he liked it. And Castiel couldn't think of a name on his own so we both picked for him. Oliver McCortz. It took a solid hour finding his name. He rejected every one that was suggested but this one. The only thing that I knew was that his last name will be changing soon. To Singer. It was an odd name but it seemed to fit Cass. He was odd in itself.

We left Jody soon after supper telling her we need a bed and a place to unwind for the night. She offered enough times for us to stay but we rejected the offer. We saw Donna and her new boyfriend before we headed to Jody's and she seemed to think something was going on. But it was too soon for something to be happening. She called almost every day making sure we were still okay.

At the bunker, everything was set up in the garage. I had a duplicate of Baby and every tool we used in her. Sam bought another computer and used it for hunts only. We were preparing for the disappearance. We just need the spell to work. We practiced on some no name demon and he seemed to not know who we were. We even tried to tell him we were the Winchester's and he laughed at us; telling us repetitively that the Winchester's are uglier. It worked on a small scale. Now, it was time to make a massive portion to work on everyone. This needed to work.

Sam made the plans for after the death. He had every detail about these new people to the tee. He bought a house and a car to blend in. It was in the suburbs of California. He had no longer the passion to become a lawyer but he wanted to pursue law enforcement.

Cass and I bought a shithole of an old mechanic shop with enough money left over to buy a house in the country. I never knew he had a passion for the outdoors. There was even a pond with it. Cass got credentials to become an accountant. It sounded boring as hell to me and it was perfect.

Sam set everything up and destroyed his computer completely by burning it. I had no choice in to painting Baby. I will never admit that I cried while doing it, but she understood. She was done with the fighting as well.


It was night, when we closed up the bunker with all of our belongings in there. It has been a month since we left this bunker, except for food and other mandatory supplies. I grew out my beard and hair. I looked like some caveman. Sam hasn't cut his hair yet but his beard was coming in slower than mine was. And cass's beard was even slower than that.

In the bunker, we left a trail of papers stating that we were on a hunt and nothing was supposed to end like this. The laptops just sitting there and open beers on the table. I even had to leave the original pictures behind. I was smart enough to make copies and leave the originals behind. I gave copies to Sam as well. He did the same with his pictures for me.

We walked to the fake Baby and drove her to the destination. Cass left some of his belongings in the car but he was long gone with the real Baby to our new house. I had asked Sam a while back to make me documents for a marriage license. Sam cried like a little bitch and my eyes were sweating because of it. Sam said he was proud of us and how happy he was that we found true love and all that crap. I told him to go find his own.

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