Chapter 45: Sneaky

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Not edited :)

The moon was bright tonight, gleaming down cascading his bedroom in its glow. It was a quiet night, he laid his head against his headboard staring out his window. He felt a little anxious, the over thinking paranoia clunking around in his head. He had this sinking feeling, he didn't quite know why. He'd had a good day, spending his time day dreaming about his gorgeous boyfriend. The smile didn't leave his face all day, that was until his gorgeous boyfriend hadn't spoken to him all day. He'd texted him when he finished school but no reply and it was pushing ten thirty. His anxiety ridden brain was swirling with unrealistic scenarios as to why he hadn't replied.

It was stupid of him he knew and yet he couldn't stop his mind from rattling. His self esteem was low and snatching the boy of his dreams made him more insecure in ways he hasn't realised. He felt sometimes it wasn't real, how could Jungkook possibly like him and yet he did. He supposed it had to be a dream, left him in this intoxicating bliss whenever he was near or in his thoughts. And when the littlest, slightest thing made him question their relationship sent him spiralling.

To Sexy Boyfriend
Night Kookie x

Jimin texted him again, anxiously biting his lip as his heart pumped. He looked back at the window, his blinds still closed as they had been since he got home. Jungkook's bedroom lights hadn't turned on all night, it was strange. He had to have been home, his car was still in the driveway.

He'd been tempted to go over, but he wasn't sure if that was being to clingy. He'd wondered what was wrong, had he done something or was Jungkook ignoring him. He hated how his mind went directly to negative thoughts but he couldn't help thinking the worst.

He began to deflate, putting his phone away with still no reply. He curled into his sheets, still staring wishfully out the window. His phone buzzes, making his little heart jump with excitement. He dashed for his phone, flipping it over as his heart quickens.

Sexy Boyfriend
Hey baby, sorry I've been busy all day. Hope you had a good day and if you're still up I love you x

His stomach does flips, the blood pumping rapidly through his veins. He smiles widely, doing a gleeful giggle as he quickly types his reply.

To Sexy Boyfriend
I'm still up! I love you and miss you

Jimin leans over to try get a better look out his window. His little head peeks out in curiosity, eyes peering desperately. To his delight he sees Jungkook peering back at him, that delicious cheeky grin on those luscious lips. He waves at him, Jimin gingerly waves back. Jungkook gestures with his hands the phone signal, Jimin eagerly nods. His phone begins to buzz, without pause he answers.

"Hello! I've missed you! What you been up too? Did you just get home? Have you missed me?" Jimin spills out, unable to hold his excitement.

"Jimin baby! Slow down question at a time baby." Jungkook laughs delightfully, staring out his window enjoying the view.

"Sorry, just excited to hear your voice. I started getting worried." Jimin sits himself right by the window.

Jungkook felt guilt eat up inside him, he didn't mean to ignore Jimin he'd just had a lot on his mind and needed time to think.

"I'm sorry baby, just been a busy day for me. I'm glad to hear your voice though, I've missed it." Jimin felt that gush of warmth rush over him. "How's your day been? I hope I haven't kept you up."

"No! God no! I was up anyway and it's not cause I was freaking out....wait shit." Jimin couldn't stop running his mouth, nerves and adrenaline coursing through his veins.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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