Chap 8: it's a date

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"It's you." How Jimin wished he had the courage to say, spill his confession out so easily but he couldn't.

Not yet at least.

"It's no one. Caleb's just an asshole who likes to embarrass me every chance he gets. It's really annoying actually." Jimin awkwardly laughs to fill the space, Jungkook nods but doesn't say anything.

Silence fell over then again, this time more suffocating. Jimin chews on his cheek, a habit he had as a kid which has grown into his adolescence. Jungkook sneaks a glance at him, admiring his natural beauty. He truly was captivating, beautiful in any light.

"So, you excited about learning Korean? Be warned I'm a strict teacher." Jungkook laughs at his little joke but Jimin took it a little differently.

Yeah I bet you are, real strict.

Images of Jungkook bending him over, pulling down his pants that were suffocatingly tight while he grips the ends of the table, pressing his cheek onto the cold surface. He feels his pants hang by his ankles, his bare skin on display, ready for his delicious mark. The roughness of his hand brushes past his tender flesh, teasing him before he brings his hand up, preparing to spank his plump as-.

"How does that sound?" Jimin just catches the last of what he was saying, lost in his own dirty fantasies.

"What?" Jimin's cheeks heat up in embarrassment, his horny mind going somewhere it shouldn't.

"You don't listen to well huh?" Jungkook raises an eyebrow cheekily. "Guess we'll need to fix that."

Jimin gulps, throat suddenly dry. He was already loving teacher Jungkook and he hasn't even started yet. Strict teacher Jungkook dominating him, punishing him when he was bad flooded his mind. He has to bite his lip to stop him from moaning, the thought was enough to get him hot and sweaty.

"Sorry, I get distracted." He scratches the back of his neck, Sugar comes running back ball in mouth.

"It's okay, what I said was thinking about starting our little teaching session at six since I finish work at around five and will give me time to get home have a shower and everything." Jungkook smiles fondly, kneeling down to Sugar who had come up to him.

His imagination ran wild, thoughts of Jungkook soaking wet, hair sticking to his skin, water droplets sliding down his gorgeous naked body coated his mind.

"Oh? Yeah that sounds great, I'm honestly free whenever." Jimin can't hide his delight, looking down at the two with a bright smile.

Jungkook scratches the back of Sugar's pointed ears, sending her back leg in a frenzy. She was loving it, her whip like tail wagging in the wind.

"Great! Then it's a date." Jungkook glances at him, cheeky grin sown to his lips.

"Then he said it was a date!" Jimin screams his lungs out, collapsing onto his bed.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Tae tilts his head confused, looking down at poor little Jimin.

Jimin laughs bitterly, covering his face with his small hands. His heart couldn't take this, it wanted so desperately to believe there was more to this, it really was a date. Jungkook the hot older man next door really did just ask him out, thinks he's more than the kid next door.

"I don't know! Aghhhh fuck!" Jimin kicks his legs about, screaming into his hands.

Tae shakes his head, a soft roll of his eyes as he runs his fingers through his hair. He looks down sweetly at Jimin who was having a little crisis due to overthinking.

"It's going to be okay Jimin, he obviously likes you if he hasn't been scared away by your brother or your weirdness." Tae pats his head, hoping to calm him down.

Jimin only moans more, cursing under his breath out of frustration. He was so conflicted, he so badly wanted to just run over there, jump into his strong arms and kiss him. He's never had a relationship before nor has he actually done anything sexual with anyone. He's a virgin in all things to do with that and he hated it.

"What did you say to him?" Tae brushes back his hair, Jimin opens his eyes, glancing up at him in confusion.

"What?" Jimin puts on a cute pout, eyes glistening.

"What did you say to him after that? When he said it was a date?" Tae tilts his head, a soft smile on his lips.

Jimin groans louder, cheeks blushing with embarrassment. Whenever he was around him he always seemed to make a fool of himself.

"I...-just laughed then ran away-." Tae has to cover his mouth to stop himself from snorting, Jimin's cheeks turning a brighter red.

"Seriously?" Tae shakes his head, laughing his ass off.

"That's not all, I forgot Sugar so I had to run back and get her."

Thud. Tae fell off the bed, almost crying from laughter. Jimin frowns, not finding his downfall funny in the slightest. This was serious, he needed to redeem himself, stop being the weird boy next door.

Jungkook sat on the deck, beer in hand while Jin was busy on the bbq cooking up a feast. Milo lay on the grass, gnawing at a bone Jin gave to him. Namjoon and Hoseok were by the bonfire, enjoying the warmth it was bringing. Yoongi was beside him, his own beer in hand.

"How's the kid? Seen his nipples again?" Yoongi snickers, lips around the rim of the bottle.

"Fuck you." Jungkook shoves him, shaking his head while Yoongi kept laughing.

"He's interesting, very interesting." Jungkook's eyes flicker to Jimin's bedroom, a fond smile on his lips.

Yoongi stares at him, eyebrow raised in confusion. Jungkook looks back at him, his smile disappears.

"What?" He questioned, taking a sip from his beer.

"You're weird." Yoongi rolls his eyes, returning his attention back to his drink.

Jungkook ignores him, going back to gaze through his window. He caught the glimpse of someone's hair, it was a caramel colour so he assumed it was that boy Tae. For a strange reason he didn't like that, the thought of another boy in his room. His eyes leave, not wanting to watch anymore in case he saw something he didn't like.

"Soups ready!" Jin screams, dumping a plate full of meat onto the set table on the deck.

They all gather around, picking and eating what they want. Jin's cooking was always the best, he somehow made anything delicious. The boys ate like animals, devouring anything that passed their lips. Jungkook would every now and then hand some of his scraps to Milo who took them willingly. A smile creeped on his lips, he was happy and would be even more when tomorrow rolled along.

Wifi gods have come! I have finally updated, damn this is the longest I've gone without updating anything & I do not like it.

Love you my honeybuns & sorry for being inactive.

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