Chapter Four

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

Konan of the Hidden Rain never thought she would feel at ease in the presence of an orphaned child. Perhaps from the way she sees the boy that reminds her of her childhood memories—it wasn't quite pleasant because there were wars going on around but it was the only thing that keep her going.

To end the war—Yahiko said that to her when the day he found her. She found it absurd and childish, a child who can only think but can't do anything.

Her usual blank face softened from the sight of the young boy. She couldn't deny how much similar their situations were. That's why she cannot help herself but to help him until he could finally find himself a home. There are things she still needed to do and taking the boy would be a risk not only for her but to the boy's safety as well. As a woman who grew up in war, no parents to depend with. She is not good in handling children. Children are delicate even though Mazuar act as an adult he is still a child who needs supervision—and Konan is not the ideal one.

Konan tried to hide her amusement when they finally reached their destination. She didn't know the Reim Empire could be so ancient. Standing on the sidelines, she surveys the crowd. Her amber eyes move to the vendors selling their fruits, the soldiers patrolling the area in hopes of maintaining peace among the people, and families laughing and children playing. 

The city was different from what she'd use to.

They walked into the crowds searching for things she could find useful. But to Konan's dismay, she didn't find anything useful, just ordinary vendors selling their products. She snuck a look at her companion; his attention was elsewhere, too busy staring at the busy street. Eyeing his outfit, Konan decided to purchase some clothes for him; his baggy clothes were not in good condition. too dirty to be worn.

They stopped in front of a shop. They were greeted by a middle-aged man. One look of him shouted fortune; probably he made clothes for the Noble people.  She could feel his eyes lingered on her.
Eyeing her from head to toe, wondering why she dressed in such weird way.

Until his eyes focused on her exotic visage. Konan eyed him blankly, and he flinched. 

"What can I do for you, madam?" Konan decided to ignore what he called her.

Her hands move to Mazuar shoulder gently nudge him forward, she could feel his tense shoulder.

"I want you to find this boy a clothes" Mazuar protested quickly than she anticipated.

The middle-aged man finally lingered his eyes on Mazuar. There was a flash of recognition that she barely noticed. She remained silent about it. His whole demeanor changed. A fake smile plastered on his face.

"No need Nee-san my clothes are still okay." Her eyebrows furrowed.

"It barely a clothes, Mazuar"


"I insist"

Cold winds brush her Akatsuki cloak, making it follow the rhythm of the wind. Standing in the roof of the hotel they are currently resided, Konan blankly gazed at the moon above here. She wonder when this nightmare would end. She can hear people beneath her. Konan flicked her finger and immediately her body turned into small pieces of paper. There are things she needed to investigate.

But she doesn't know where to start.

Nothing seems to register to Konan. The only one who could help her is the djinn however, her djinn hadn't respond since she came here. She observed the soldiers from a far, they were laughing and talking to themselves. She may find any information that would connect to her case. The Library is not the right choice, aside from there's no public library, she couldn't read the letters. She can understand them and they understand her. But their way of writing are different from what she used to, that is why she could hardly distinguish anything. She mostly rely on Mazuar, the kid knows how to read a little.

She glanced at her finger, where the ring was. She tried to called Lakan but to no avail. Her eyes flickered again to the soldiers, they again started laughing as if they don't have things to do other than laughing their as off. She scoffed, their free demeanor would get them killed someday.

Compared to the other building, houses, this stood out the most. Looking like a castle she must say. Guards are everywhere she notes. Winds blows once again, she jolted when she felt unfamiliar energy. Being a sensor she can feel chakra miles away, the people here has no chakra—but she can still feel something resided from them. She held her hand and stared instantly to the ring, she responded from that energy.


She blinked. Lakan has spoken but she is not sure what she meant.

Her thought was interrupted, when the memories of her clone invaded her head. Her clone found something interesting. Tomorrow at exactly 9 in the morning there will be a battle in the colosseum. Konan didn't know if the information will be beneficial but seeing how the people burst into excitement might help her. First step. She thought.

Knowing how much this battle a big deal. There's a big possibility she'll see the royalties and a bunch of information. Konan sigh. She'll continue tomorrow, the fact that she's not familiar with this place and their customs are different from what she grows makes it harder for her.

This is not her world.

She cannot use her chakra to identify threats. She doesn't know the people, their clans. Konan couldn't take a risk. Magic ruled this world, too different from what she used to. There might be people who are powerful than her, powerful than Pain.

There are djinns who grant power. Knowing people—they are absolutely possessed one, or possibly more.

Hundreds of people shout in unison upon their arrival. The one who partake the battle. He had a muscular body, axe on his shoulder and a smug smile plastered on his face.

Mazuar was fidgeting on his sit. He felt uncomfortable. Konan didn't want Mazuar to come but she also didn't want to leave him either. Her clone couldn't do much, he has a strong grip her clone might pop out. She glanced at the surrounding they were looking at Mazuar. The clothing on his head didn't do much to hide his heritage, his eyes are too noticable to ignore.

"We can get out of here if you want" sacrificing her mission are not in Konan's virtue. But..

"No" he said firmly. "You've been looking forward to this match and I know it's something important." She stared at his eyes for a minute and nodded. She darted her eyes on the arena once again only to see a giant ape and a scared man.

The crowd goes wilder before the could crush the man with its bared hand. Konan griped Mazuar's wrist before she shunshin outside the colosseum. She couldn't bare to see a child to witness such gruesome scene. Mazuar stumbled at her side feeling dizzy.


"Are you okay?" She asked. The young fanalis only nodded too shocked. Konan observed the alley, there are only a handful of people. Mostly are in the colosseum watching the battle.

"Let's get back to the hotel" she suggested.

"Not until you hand me the fanalis boy"

Konan clenched her fist. She knows there will be a time she will be confronted about the boy. However, Konan wasn't expecting it to be this early.

To be continued...

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