Chapter Six

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Chapter 6

She stood at the top of the hotel's rooftop while gazing at the people beneath her. Despite all of her effort going one place to another she still couldn't find a single clue on how on earth she was alive and appeared on this strange places. It's hard to maneuver when you're unfamiliar with the place and the fact that she couldn't sense any chakra didn't help her either.

Konan took a deep breath and close her eyes as she widened her senses. Her chakra flared, moving, and searching. Although she has no idea what she was looking for, she wanted to know if there's any strange thing going on in this place. Konan already tried searching for any public library that she could read but to no avail. The library, however, can only be found inside the castle and the fact that there's no school only tells how this worlds system is old and needs an upgrade.

Education here can only be obtain if you're part of the noble, royalties, or a wealthy merchant.

She abruptly opened her eyes when her senses caught something different. A person, who's chakra felt different compared to everyone—the overwhelming energy radiated to the said person can compare to a single jinchūriki. She can tell because she's a sensor obviously, the only difference is that it didn't contained any hatred, anger and other negative energy but rather a sense of responsibility—it felt so pure.

The chakra here are weird—Konan didn't know if she can call it a chakra at all with the absence of physical energy but more on spiritual energy. A person who held more spiritual chakra can cause imbalance to their chakra system, it should be balance in order for them to perform any jutsu without disrupting the flow of it.

Konan cursed herself. This world is different from hers, of course they have different kind of energy restore on their body.

She spread her paper wings and flew through the sky and begun her search.

At last, she arrived at a small clearing with the remains of an old house stood almost as of it can fall at anytime. Vines wrapped around its pillars as insects squeak in fear running towards their home. She focused her senses to the source of the weird energy she felt and found its source. A teenager boy who Konan doubt a true teenager at all standing beside the lone tree in the middle of the clearing. Roots spread across the ground making a claim on its territory.

The said boy tensed and shot her a light ball when he felt her present that Konan didn't even tried to deflect but instead let it hit her—it didn't cause a large damage at all it just made a hole in her torso. He looked at her and recognition filled his vision and he eventually relaxes, he looks so graceful, his soft features stood out the most.

"I believe you know something that I don't"

"You're lost" he stated a matter of fact as he closed his book and shove it into his pocket. She was taken aback on his blatant statement. Konan thought she'd seen birds flutters around him but it quickly vanished just like how his question quickly triggers her. Konan is known to be the most calmest member of the Akatsuki but it today she let her emotions control her. She's no longer member of the organization because the Akatsuki is dead. There's a war going on in her world the remaining member must have been perished.

"......How did I get here?" She gritted her teeth.

If someone sees her they must have run now. With her disfigured face, body levitating, papers fluttering it is not a sight to hold.

"The organization must have been desperate that they summoned you here"

"What do you mean?"

"I've been spying and searching for information regarding the next move of this organization and it was too late for me to realize what there plan actually are. They are searching for a person who holds an overwhelming hatred, vengeance, loss and it seems that they found you" Yunan pause. "The ritual pulled them to you, you may not realize it but you hold hatred and vengeance to the people you've lost that it is enough to bring your body into this world."

"You're summoned here to be a weapon and destroy the balance that Solomon created" Yunan gripped his wooden rod. She deserve to know.

"You mean the purpose of my appearance here is to do the work that this organization you are talking about cannot do and instead passed it on me? I am not a maid nor a slave to be bothered by this childish act. I want to go back"  Konan clenched her hands, she was furious she will not allow them to used her.

"I am afraid I can't do that. I can't let myself involve to your world"

"The organization.... what's the name of the organization?"


It seems like her fate keeps on playing on her. And Konan is tired with all this bullshit she wants to rest. She is tired she no longer wants to fight.

To be continued...

It's been a long time peps and honestly I forgot what I've written in the last chapter and I am too tired to read it again 🤧.

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