Unexpected call

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Nora POV

„Babe. Come here and drink something with me!"
Victor got up from the couch and dragged me across the room.

I don't even know how I ended up here. A frat party. The place I don't wanna be at. I'd rather stay in self isolation instead of being forced to socialize.
Not that I don't enjoy other peoples company but I am really „picky" when it comes to my close circle.

I don't enjoy hanging with strangers that are wasted as fuck. This living room is filled with beer
Cups and bottles of vodka that is spilled on the ground on some spots. The sticky sound of my shoe connecting with the ground is disgusting.

These guys probably don't know anything about cleaning a house. Please somebody sedated me.
I can only get through this when I am so drunk that I won't care about my surroundings and that takes a lot of drinks. But it's not like I've already had a decent amount that would make me forget where I am with a couple more shots.

„Truth or dare everyone!!" victors best buddy chad yelled out and  Victor slumbered down with me onto the couch. He slung his arm tight around me making it even more uncomfortable to sit.

„Okay let's go. Nora! Truth or dare?"

„Truth." I mumbled not wanting to play along.

„what do you think of that the campus people call you a bitch for fighting over  Victor?" Elle asked immediately not giving the others a chance to ask me anything. This bitch really gets on my nerves.

„I didn't fight over him. I never did. I just slapped a bitch cause she was getting on my nerves."
I gave her an honest answer and I noticed how she tensed up.

„Well you stole him from me." She complained.
Now this is pathetic. Why would I steal literal trash?

„You can have him! I don't care." I laughed at her and I felt how victors hand was digging into my thigh.

„Woooww. Lewis is being a bitch."

„Chad why don't you shut up?" I spat at him having enough of this bullshit.

„Stop it Nora!! You are making a scene."
Victor interrupted and I glanced at him.

„What If i don't? What are you gonna do huh?
Slap me?" I feel how I stepped to far cause the alcohol made me lose my temper.

„Anyways. Let's move on hm. Victor? Truth or dare?"


„I dare you for seven minutes in heaven with Elle."
Wess gave the dare and he got up letting lose and I feel relieved that he did. I already feel like shit cause the alcohol makes me wanna vomit and my mind is spreading at a pace of 100 hours per miles.

„Dude you are sick!! That you didn't say no cause you have Nora as your girlfriend right here."
Jack hyped him up and he just glanced at me with a smile.

„I know she wouldn't mind. Right babe?"

„No not at all. In fact... I don't care!"
I replied and Elle took victors hand leaving with him. Thank god he's gone and I can finally leave this fucked up place.

Everyone was thankfully so drunk and occupied with their own conversations and games that i was able to leave without anyone noticing.

The loud music got quieter as I was letting the distance between me and the house grow.
Every step I took made me realize that I had to get away from him.

Lizzie POV

My phone started to ring and I looked at the clock realizing it's three a.m. I was passed out from the wine I had for dinner and I would normally would ignore a call at this time but i noticed in my half sleep who it was so I picked up immediately.

„Nora?? Is that you? Do you know what time it is?" I asked as I started to sit up in my bed.

„C-can you please p-pick me up." I heard her sobbing softly and my mind went into a spiral.

„Where are you? I'll come and pick you up."
I asked as I got up to get ready.

„I-I don't know. I wanted to walk home b-but
I got lost and I didn't know that I was that far away from home a-and." She rambled uncontrollably.

„Okay. You hear me? It's gonna be okay. You are gonna be okay. Where were you before you left?"
I asked while putting on some shoes.

„The frat party. Victor and I where there but I just left and walked off." she explained and I know where the frat houses are. I grabbed my keys and walked down getting out of the house into the car.

„Alright. Can you send me your location?"
I heard her sniff and breathe erratically.

„No. I'm to drunk I don't even know how I got to call you in that state." oh lord. I don't even wanna know what she drank. Or how much.

„Good. Sweetie just stay where you are and I'll be there as fast as I can. Walk your way back to the frat houses so I can see you on the sidewalk."

„O-okay." She replied while sniffing her nose.

„Good. How have you been?" I asked as I was already driving on the way to the frat houses.

„Could be better." she mumbled and I felt how she was trying to hold back her real feelings.

I started to hear Muffed music in the background.

„Are you close to a frat house?" I asked and she hummed.

„Mhh. It's not that far away anymore.. Where are you?" she asked as I stopped at a red light.

„I'm just a couple blocks away. I won't take that long."

„I-I'm sorry for Waking you up. I shouldn't have called at this time." she apologized but she shouldn't.

„No I am relieved that you called me. It's good cause who knows what else would have happened if you wouldn't have called."

„Yeah I guess it wouldn't have ended good."
She mumbled and I started to hear the music louder and clearer.

Muffed voices filled my surroundings and party lights appeared down the streets.

„Nora!!" I held right next to her as she walking away from me into the the other direction.

She turned around and hung up on the call.
As she got closer I realized how she was dressed.
Really revealing clothes. A black mini skirt that I
Wouldn't even call a skirt if you'd ask me.
Wirth a Black matching tang top which had the length right over her belly button.
I have never seen her wear such revealing clothes.
Not that she doesn't have the body to wear it.
She definitely has. But this wasn't the Nora I knew.

„Thank you. For picking me up."
She breathed out deeply as she closed the passenger door.

„Always." I replied and drove off.

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