Hearts ain't humming

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Nora POV

The sun started to tingle my nose which made me wake up slowly. My surroundings aren't the ones I'm used to so I have to be somewhere else.

I haven't been in this room before but something tells me that this is Lizzie's bedroom. The beige and earth colored tones kinda remind me of her and that is how I decorated my rooms as well.
Except I have some light green tones as well.

I looked under the blanked seeing that I am wearing her oversized graphic shirt which had little holes in it. My head is killing me and I actually don't want to get up. But I need to leave before she notices that I am awake.

Well damn. She already is awake because she isn't next to me.. okay Well.. shit I need to wear the same clothes from yesterday.

I got up after enjoying the silence that I have missed so dearly. I put on my clothes from yesterday night and made her bed cause this is the least I could do after invading her space like this.

I got down starting to smell sweet pastry's and coffee. The hallway was bright with high walls and down the floor on the left was her kitchen connected to the garden and the living room.

I peaked my head noticing that she was standing in front of the freezer so she didn't see me.
Maybe I can sneak out?

„Where do you think your going?" I heard and froze as I was about to move on. I turned my head to her and saw her leaned against the kitchen island with crossed arms.

„I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been here in the first place." her face frowns as I replied and she shook her head.

„I don't mind having you by my side. You needed me last night?"

„I did?" I asked and her face frowns again.

„You don't remember?" she asked a bit disappointed.

„I probably will remember throughout the day.
My memory's aren't the best in the last time."
I replied and she nod.

„Well. You called me at three a.m, drunk and lost and I picked you up from the frat party.
You didn't really feel good." my mind starts to puzzle the pieces together and now it clicked.

Shit. I called her to pick me up. I left Victor.
Oh shit. „Look I need to leave. I got classes and..."

Lizzie POV

„It's Sunday Nora. You don't have any classes."
I reminded her as she closed her eyes while mouthing ‚fuck'

Now that I can see her in clear daylight I am terrified for her. She lost so much muscles and right over her knee was another bruise noticeable.
One that I haven't seen last night.

„what happened there?" I asked while pointing at her knee. She looked down while stroking her hair behind her ear.

„I tripped. In the shower."

„It looks like a handprint." I added slowly and her expression fell.

„Lizzie I should really go."

„I made you breakfast. You need it."
I pointed behind me as I was already closer to her.

„Thank you.. but I'm not hungry." she wanted to leave but I grabbed her by her wrist and I wish I wouldn't have. She flinched again.

„I'm sorry." she replied as she watched my shocked expression and walked further away from me.

„Please don't shut me out Nora. You need help I can-."

„I don't need any help. Not from you and not from anyone else. I'm just a little bit disheveled. I'll be alright." she took another step back and I really didn't want to let her go. Why is she shutting me out after last night. She cried herself to sleep in my arms. She was so tense and shaking. Terrified even and she didn't even stop crying when she fell asleep. I woke up from time to time hearing her cry in her sleep and now she shuts me out as if we never had anything last night?

„you need to open up to someone. If it is not with me then do it at least with someone else you trust.
You don't have to live through this alone.
I am here for you."

„Well I don't need you to be here for me.
I need to be left alone and that for good.
I don't even know why I called you last night."
She got a bit louder and it took me by surprise how fast her mood shifted.

„I am not leaving you alone. I am worried about you and you pull up your walls after being open.
From what I saw last night you are more then not fine." Silence fell into the room as she had an unreadable expression on her face.

„Well. You shouldn't have seen me like this in the first place."

„But I did.. and I can't bring it over myself to just stand here watching you fall apart."

„Do you got anything else to say? Any other observation skills you wanna tell me about? Because to me it looks like you can read other people sooo good."

„Your being sarcastic."

„Sarcastic? Oh come on Olsen. You just strive to help someone. Can't you just stop?" she sounded pissed and I'm not gonna raise my voice at her because I know that this isn't what she needs.

„Please I don't want you to give up on yourself.
Victor is sucking the life out of you and everyone noticed it. You don't show up at college. You don't support your team. You haven't seen Beth in a while... this can't go on like this. You have so many things that give your life a meaning."

„Like what? Like you?" she asked and my breath hitched while my heart broke. Why? Why does she have to be so distant??

„This the part where you apologize." I breathed out slowly trying to keep my composer.

„No. this is the part where I'll leave." she started to walk off but I wasn't done talking to her yet.

„Fine!! I can't watch you do this to yourself."

„It's so difficult for you isn't it?"

„Yes. It is. It breaks my heart to see you this way.
I notice how you lose yourself while being with him. You aren't even recognizable anymore and I'm just scared for you. Don't you realize that I want to help?"

„Now don't pity me!" she pointed at me.

„I'm not pitying you!"

„Now that's a god damn lie. You just love a sob story don't you?" she really is the one who wrote into my diary. ‚sob story'... yeah... even though this isn't the point. I could bet on it.

„Nora..." I tried to stop her but she kept going. The stabbing words floated on and on.

„We're not even friends Lizzie. Heck we where barely lovers. Like we just had sex. You are my professor and I am your student. You see where this is going? Yeah fucked up isn't it??
Is this what you where looking for? Is this what you've been craving? ‚Poor Nora Lewis Therapy case she finally needs me. Fix her and patch her up so you can send me right back into the world!! Hearts just humming, you CARE SO MUCH DON'T YOU?"
She finally stopped talking and I wish only now that she wouldn't have said anything because this hurts me more than it should.

„You should go." I whispered and she walked back to the door.

„Goodbye Olsen." she replied and slammed the door shut making me flinch.

A/n: changed the scene but I had to bring a little
Dr. Strange in it. Love putting in heart breaking scenes.

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love✌🏽❤️

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