Wimblar Scott

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She flopped on top of her bed. Turning her phone on, she opened discord. Wilbur had messaged her his phone number. She's never had anyone's phone number before, at least not one of her online friends. She still only spoke to Quackity on discord and they had been friends for longer than she'd been friends with Wilbur. But fuck it she thought. She entered his number into her contacts, under the name 'Sir Soot.' She sent him a quick message.

Hellooo tall, musically talented and handsome sir soot.

Hello! I'll definitely answer you if you refer to me like that all the time.

You'd just respond to me because it's me.

Of course I would M'Lady

He facetimed her. She answered.

"Hellooo" he greeted her smiling.

"Hellooo" she copied.

"I have a serious question for you." He deadpanned.

"Okay..." She said curiously.

"Is Jack Manifold's favourite food a whopper?" He asked.

She giggled.

"No surprisingly! I don't know what it is actually" she only just realised that she didn't know what his favourite food is. Wilbur burst out into laughter.

"You live with him and you don't know his favourite food?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah... I didn't know that I didn't know that" she mumbled.

Jack knocked on her door. "Come in" she called.

"Who are you talking to?" He asked, noticing she was on the phone.

"My friend" she said.

"Her friend" Will announced.

"Wilbur soot." He sighed. "I'm going to bed so... Be quiet."

"I'll tell Will to be quiet" Amber smiled. "Oh and jack! What's your favourite food?"

"I don't know... I don't think I have one. Why?" Jack asked.

"Wilbur" she snickered. Hearing Wilbur laugh on the other end. "Wilbur wondered if it was a whopper?

"Oh for God sake" he walked away, leaving her and Wilbur giggling. He left her room and went to bed.

"So he doesn't even know what his favourite food is!" Wilbur chuckled.

"What's your favourite food?" She asked him.

"I like toast"

"Toast really? Out of anything in the world. You pick toast" she questioned him.

"Toast is good, you can have different things on it or nothing at all" he muttered.

"It's okay Will, just admit you're basic" she commented.

"Alright fine! What your favourite food?" He asked.

"I have a top three, in no particular order." Amber rambled. "Sushi, Nachos and Mac and Cheese."

"A fair collection" he smiled his wonky smile. She smiled back at him.

"Mac and Cheese is good" He nodded.

"So is toast" she agreed with him.

"Don't change your opinion now! You called it basic!" He protested.

"I didn't mean it! I swear!" She laughed. She checked the time on her phone. It was 10:38 pm and didn't she know it. Her whole body was aching, her vision was slightly blurred and her eyes kept closing once in a while, they felt too heavy to keep open. Wilbur noticed she was tired and he doesn't want to keep her up longer than she had to be.

M.C.C.C (Wilbur x OC)Where stories live. Discover now