Red Faced

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"I don't want it to be called boob group either, for the RECORD NO NO" Will shouted as he got pushed off, by missing a jump.

"Aw did you get knocked off?" She giggled. Taking another sip of wine. "Hahaha *hic*" she covered her mouth with her hands. Forgetting she still had to play. "Oh wait no!" She put her hands down but it was too late, she was pushed off. "For God *hic* sake"

"Hahaha" Will laughed at her.

"What are you *hic* laughing at?" She pressed.

"You covering your mouth" he burst into laughter again. "And forgetting to play the game" he started laughing again.

"Are you watch*hic*ing my stream?" Amber raised her eyebrows.

"I mean, I have it up cause I died and this round is longer than I thought." He excused himself.

"That's simp behaviour Wilbur" Tommy commented. "Oh and whilst you were flirting, I died."

"We weren't *hic* flirting" Amber muttered.

"Hahaha you seriously can't stop hiccuping!" Will kept laughing at her.

"Will I will curse you *hic* with hiccups!" Amber giggled.

"You wouldn't dare!" He laughed.

"Oh I would." She smirked.

"Oh would *hic* you" Wills expression dropped.

"HAVE YOU GOT HICCUPS WILBUR?" Tommy shouted. Laughing at the irony.

"NO! *hic*" Will sighed.

"Oh my god! You actually cursed him!" Tubbo observed.

"I knew she would. She's a witch." Tommy muttered.

"How'd you *hic* know?" Amber asked.

"I... I just knew" Tommy muttered. He didn't know. He clearly just guessed.

The round finally ended. Amber had a quick check of her chat.

"Amber!" Will called out.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"My chat said we should be the hiccup duo!" He smiled.

"HICCUP DUO!" She said happily. "I love that!"

"Yeah I like it too." Wilbur smiled.

"Hey, if we're a duo we have to make more content together." Amber said.

"Look out for some more hiccup duo content I guess" Will said to chat.

Amber muted on discord.

"Hey chat! Guess who's getting more and more clout." She giggled. "I'm joking! I like these guys."

She unmuted.

"So you like us?" Will asked.

"Have you still got my stream up?" she asked back.

He laughed in response. "What if I did?"

"You'd be a simp" Tommy butted in.

"Tommy I swear to God." Amber muttered.

"You probably shouldn't do that. He's listening" Tommy quipped.

Will completely ignored Tommy. "I have your stream up incase you gossip about me" he excused.

"sureeee" she elongated. "you just can't get enough of me can you?"

Will rolled his eyes in response. He knew some things he wanted to say to her were not things he wanted others to hear. Not in a weird way just his friendly awkward flirting way. He went onto Amber's private chat on discord and typed out a message.

"psst let's sneakily chat in here" he messaged.

"that's normally what private chats are for Will" she messaged back.

"stop being smart Amber darling," he replied.

"I can't help it Wilbur sweetie" she retorted.

"Of course you can't. You're perfect" He sent back.

He was joking or at least she thought. Was he joking?

"Stop flirting with me Will." she sent back. Only to see if he's joking.

"Never ;)" He replied.

She went red. That was surely friendly flirting. It didn't stop her face from flushing. Her chat noticed.




"Chat, I know you're all 13. But when you drink alcohol you sometimes get flushed. That's why I'm red." she excused.

She got a private message from Will saying. "Aww did I make you red?"

"Definitely not." she sent back.

"Sure Amber" he replied. "I'm gonna hold onto that forever."


A/N SORRY ITS BEEN SO LONG!! SORRY ITS SUCH A SHORT ONE!! I've been writing a sapnap fanfic (still needs editing) and writing a story with a structure (mcc) is VERY difficult but I'm trying my best!!! I have a plan for this story, it a just a matter of joining the dots !!

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