♫︎ bridge - 01

617 33 4

To spare my pride
♪ To give your lack of interest an explanation

DAYS HAVE PASSED and you were starting to feel numb of all that has happened in your life lately. Her lack of presence gave you the answer to the question you've been yearning to know.

She's never gonna come back. No matter how many struggles the two of you faced before, the two of you have already defeated, tye two fo you will never return to the way it was before.

All the emotions that swirled inside of you injected dullness to your veins, it was starting to scare you. Everyday you'd have no motivation to do any daily tasks that's been listed to your daily routine. You always sat back, watching the same window the two of you used to look towards every night, the scenery of the moon's beauty presented in front of you.

Your life became the epitome of boredom, empty and hollow. You started questioning yourself if life was really worth to live without her, one side had said yes but the majority exclaimed in protest. She was the reason you were living.

You were eager to be with her again. The thought of it alone gave you enough hope to seek joy in this cruel, judging world. You haven't  been going to work in fear of watching the world turn their backs on you, Mikasa's presnece has always assured you that at least someone tried loving you, but now that she's gone, you got no choice but to shelter yourself away from the reality of being a distinct being. No one will love you the way she did, and you won't accept anything if it doesn't include her in it.

You were desperate enough to perk yourself from each sounds your window and front door made in reaction of strong winds hitting on it. You thought at one point she'd just barge inside your cavern and treat you the same way she did before, it was not long till the waiting exhausted you.

So that when you heard a quiet, clear knocks on the entrance of your shelter, your feet led you to the front of the door almost immediately, adrenaline and anticipation poisoning your head in hopes of a certain someone appearing in front of you.


You opened it wide open, a bright smile indicating your belief of your prayers has finally been answered. Your hands began to sweat, shaking in adrenaline of the thought of your palms in contact with her once more.

But the moment the door came open wide to whoever was behind of it, your smile disappeared in an instant, dissapointment and sadness invading the positive.

"Are you, uh, Y/n L/n?," his hesitant soft voice spoke, oceanic hued eyes staring back to your solemn ones. His beauty exclaimed nobility, another level of a mix of feminine and masculine features clashing together, he looked twice as good as Prince Zeke. You had no choice but to answer his question in just a blink.

As when you nodded, Armin's hand reached towards his leather pants pockets, revealing a letter package with a stamp that indicates it came from the higher ranks.

"Mikasa wanted me to give this to you," his eyes averted once he'd said the name that made your face immediately lit up "She wanted to invite you to the coronation of Prince Zeke. All nobles and commoners will attend the ceremony, but only those who recieve the permit ticket can witness the crowning upclose. Mikasa would be delighted to s–"

"I'll come!," your cheery voice interrupted the blonde, making him feel surprised at many levels. Once you realize what you've done, you covered your mouth, eyes expressing matching your frantic apology "My apologies for interrupting you, sir. I was just...excited, y'know?," you laughed it off thinking he'd ignore the fact you've done something improper in front of him.

WISH YOU WERE GAY // mikasa a. !Where stories live. Discover now