QNA the second.

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Are you enjoying your reading experience? 

Let me ruin that for u.


Question 2) What do the characters look like?

Ans. Before that, I just want you to know that this is what I have envisioned the characters to look like. 

You see, the best thing about books is the fact that its like a movie, but you have the freedom to decide what its going to LOOK like. 

You know you're reading a good book, when you can perfectly imagine it as a movie/series in your head. 

So use your own standards when it comes to imagining what the characters look like. I ain't gonna be those y/n fanfiction writes who provide those random pretty Asian girl's photos they found on google and decide that's going to be how y/n looks. Y/N Literally stands for 'your name' and when you read such ffs, your supposed to use yourself as the main character. Yet the writers are too stupid to realize that.

For this book, you guys have all the freedom in the world to make the characters, especially the main character, look like whatever you want them to look like, OK?

So here, i'm going to tell you what i envisioned them to be like.

Noye -

Noye is something like that cool older sister of Hollywood movie main characters. They literally appear on screen for like two seconds to say some random punchline and yet everyone simps for them. You know what i mean? 

Noye's fucking hot without ever trying. She works out, a lot, so she got them abs and muscles but never too much. Noye's like, ripped, but only in the good places. 

She's got dark black hair about to the length of her armpits, and and she's got somewhat an emo fashion sense. I mean, not 'emo' as in what the internet makes emo look like, but emo as in a good way, Like, wearing dark clothes and mostly not exposing skin a lot. Yeah, i swear its kinda cool.

Hyunjin -

Hyunjin looks like...well, Hyunjin. Duh. And for how he styles himself in this book, Lemme tell you, this man has taste.

He's that goddamn man you simp for on pinterest. 

But he a softie in this book. 


He ain't got good fashion sense, but lemme tell ya, HE A HOTTIE.

He wears nothing but black, but it slaps.

He's quite the narcissist, but who's complaining?


She's a cute little girl, but quite smart when the moment requires it. 

You'll see a lot more of that ;)

So guyss...that's it for today.

A new character will be introduced into the story. Its another straykids member. Try guessing  (・∀・)ノ

If there's anyone nice enough to appreciate this story, any actual questions from you guys would be really nice. Its kinda lonely acting like i'm a well-appreciated writer and making up these questions by myself (ಥ ͜   ಥ)

Leave your question here..

byee :)

Scars Into Stars ღ hwang hyunjin *ᴮᵒᵒᵏ ᵒⁿᵉTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon