one | brother of mine

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-One Year Prior-

15-year-old Rani heard shouts from her fellow crewmates, and immediately came to their aid, her kindjals already gleaming in her hand as she landed next to Bhima. "Abbu, what's wrong?" She asked, watching as he peered through his spyglass. He handed it over to her, pointing at a ship which was steadily getting closer to 'The Crimson Treasure'. She looked through the spyglass to see the words 'Dawn Treader' etched on the side of the clearly Narnian-built ship. 

"Those annoying Narnians!" She scowled, handing the spyglass back to him, "I hate them!"

"Calm down now, beti. We have to be strategic about our attack. If we get that ship, too, it'll be beneficial for us." Said Captain Marwah. 

The ship had gotten closer, and looking through the spyglass yet again, Rani noticed a familiar boy with shoulder-length hair and dark brown eyes. "Caspian?" She muttered, confused. 

"As Captain of this ship, it is your job to strategise, Sherni." (Lioness) Said Marwah, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You have won us many fights in the last two years. Now, you must do it again." 

"I've got this, right Abbu?" She asked, looking up at him with her amber eyes. 

"Yes you do," laughed Marwah. "I have fought many battles like this by your side, and I will not hesitate to lay down my own life while I am at it." 

She playfully hit him on the arm and said, "Abbu, don't tempt fate." 

He laughed and replied, "Come, let us war with fate instead." He whistled shrilly for his whole crew, who assembled on deck immediately. 

"A Narnian ship is headed towards us at a very fast speed. I want six men on deck. Chadwick, Norwell, Eston, Monckton, Sterling and Wystan. I want you to be with me and Captain Marwah to surprise attack the lot of those Narnian fools." Said Rani, her hands already on the hilt of her kindjals. "The rest of you, stay below deck till you hear my whistle. The Narnians are not a very large crew, but we still must show them the might of the Flintlocks. Is it understood?"

All the pirates roared, "Aye-Aye, Captain Malviya!" Before every one of them, except the six she had ordered to remain above deck, scurried below deck.

She waited patiently and silently next to her father, who was simply glowing with pride at how much of a pirate queen she was, having recruited so many people and conquered so many ships from the young age of thirteen. 

The crew of the Dawn Treader leapt onto the deck of the Crimson Treasure, yelling our battle cries and fighting with the eight people on board. Rani was ruthless, stabbing and slashing at people skillfully, just how Bhima had taught her. When she herself was slowly being overpowered, she whistled so loudly and shrilly that the Narnians paused to cover their ears. 

A stream of pirates emerged from below deck, shocking the entire crew of Narnians who had landed on that ship. Rani caught Caspian's eye and winked, sticking her tongue out at him a little as he leapt onto her ship.

"Where have you been!" He exclaimed, in his odd Telmarine accent. 

"Out." She replied simply, parrying his blows promptly, crossing her kindjals in front of her. She sharply thrust outward, sending her brother staggering back. "You've gotten a little rusty, haven't you?" 

"Easy for you to say. You've got two swords!" He scoffed, "Let me get rid of one for you, and we'll see who's rusty." 

He tried to get her right-handed kindjal out of her hand, but failed miserably when she disarmed him expertly with her left. "I don't think so." She said, delivering a spin kick to his face, which he dodged as well. 

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