Ceyx and Alcyone

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Painting:by Carle van Loo

Ceyx and Alcyone – the king and queen of Trachis. Their love was so deep that both gods and mortals idolized their relationship. Feeling so enraptured by their love, they began to call themselves Hera and Zeus, the king and queen of all gods. Hera and Zeus heard of this and decided to punish them.

One day, Ceyx was sailing back to Trachis to be reunited with his wife, who was waiting for him ashore. Zeus sent a thunderbolt down from the heavens, which capsized the boat, killing Ceyx. After realizing that her husband was not coming back to her, Alcyone prayed to Hera asking for her husband back. Taking pity on the heartbroken woman, Hera sent Ceyx’s body back to the shore. Stricken with grief, Alcyone drowned herself.

Showing mercy on the king and queen, Zeus turned them into kingfisher birds who come to lay eggs during halcyon days.

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