Rokkoh and the Old Woman, Chapter 3

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Our trek ends amongst the quiet peace of the Hemwood trees. The thick canopy keeps most of the rain out; the drops that make it through phase into a mist. The carriage stops along the trail, a long stretch of road left ahead of us. We file out, the siblings helping the old woman once more. Darkness creeps through the wood, held at bay by scarce torches lining the road. Led by Kym, and with her holding Nana's hand, we cross the barrier into the black. In the all-consuming dark, I keep close behind Kym. Otherwise she fades into the surrounding abyss.

"Can we get some light?" Max asks from behind, a touch of fear in his whisper.

"Quiet!" Kym hushes him quickly. "The path must not be seen, and we cannot risk anyone watching us. Secrecy is their most powerful tool."

"Who?" my curiosity betrays me before I can stop it. A long silence meets my question.

"It's not far now," Kym finally says.

True to her word, our steps slow a few minutes later. We stop at the sight of a small spark in the distance. A flame roars to life on the end of a torch, and it grows as its wielder approaches. Its figure blends into the dark, only half of a featureless silver mask illuminated. When it stops a few yards away, it looms over us in expectant silence. The large frame stands still, fire flickering across its mask, sizing us up. Soon, it turns in its place and paces back to where it had appeared. Only the light of the torch remains as we follow.

A ring of torches come ablaze, each resting atop tall rocks. Thirteen in total, our little group stands in the middle of them. The giant figure, revealed by the light of the flames to be donned in a flowing black robe and cloak, stakes the rod of his torch into the earth and raises two huge palms in the air. A heavy wind swirls around the edge of the stones, the flaming torches lapping like mad in the rough breeze. The leaves of the surrounding trees rustle on their branches, the weakest of them breaking free and joining the whirlwind. Nana lets go of Kym's hand and releases a cry into the cacophony, arms outstretched toward the chaos.

As soon as it swells, it ends. Even Nana's screeching cuts short. The abrupt stillness leaves a ringing in my ears and my hair disheveled. All around us, on every rock grows a purple light. Bright, pale, and rippling like water, the light encompasses the whole of each tall rock.

The ringing in my ears is replaced by a low hum, each stone quietly singing a note. All together, the chorus's chants fill the trees and my heart. Powerful magic unlike any I have seen. Rapturous.

"What is this place?" comes my curiosity.

"These are the Obelisks of Itisio," Kym answers, guiding Nana to Max's side. She goes without a struggle and takes his hand. "Each is a portal that sends you to another set of Obelisks dotted across the world. They're great for traveling long distances, but..."

"I require payment for those who wish to cross," the giant declares, the deep thunder made soft. Turning, he reaches out a hand to us.

Kym approaches him, digging into another pouch hanging from her waist. From it she produces a smaller pouch, its contents clanking and clacking against each other as she hands it off. Going back in, she also pulls out a small horn. A bit of bloody grey flesh still clings to the base. Last given to the giant is a coin, larger than a gold piece and washed in red. The giant tucks each of these away into his cloak.

"Three may enter," the giant says, pointing to a portal to our right. "Quickly."

The four of us step up to the portal, its hummed note growing stronger. Max and Nana pass through first, the purple light encompassing their figures as they phase into the destination. Kym takes a gentle hold on my hand, pulling my attention to her.

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