The guy has a name, Finn

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The sun was just coming up and I rushed to get ready for the day. I was so excited to go to the shop in hopes that I would perhaps bump into him again. I shouldn't get my hopes up like that but I have never had any man much less a boy look at me the way he did. And to say my name aloud the way he did, it made my insides flutter. Sadly, I didn't see him the whole day or even the next day. I was a little disappointed and my heart was sad. I knew that I shouldn't get my hopes up. Heck he probably was lying and already back home in some fancy house with a swimming pool and maybe even some personal maids. I always wondered how other people lived, especially the people that tour the town. I just knew all these people had to have money.

I have heard stories about other places. How pretty the world is outside of this town. Yes, it is pretty here. Who wouldn't love the mountains, forest and the rivers not to mention the wonders of the deep caves around here. I have always been so fond of the mountains but what I would give to see a big city or even the ocean. However, deep down a part of me knew that I would never make it to see those things. My pa and ma always said home is where the heart is and there's no reason to go all over the place when you have everything right here.

I spent most of the days dusting and waiting on people. When time was really slow, I would pick up some of the glass sticks and make a few extra pieces. By Saturday all hope was gone. I knew that he was gone. As noon rolled around, Ember was in the middle of making a yellow glass bird for an older woman. I walked over to him and leaned on the counter. "Do you want anything from the café?" I ask.

"I don't have time to go right now, Aura. I should be done in about another hour then I can go."

I sigh, "You know I'm not a little kid right. I know how to walk across the street and back safely. So, I will be back shortly. I will even pay." I hold up my twenty that I still had.

"Aura, I know pa would be mad if anything happens to you." He looks up at me to see that I am not budging. " go straight there and back. Bring me back a turkey and cheese, hold the mayo ok."

I beam ear to ear. I fold the twenty and place it in my pocket while walking to the front door. The heat slaps me in the face and today there is no wind blowing so it feels a little sticky from all the humidity. Cars line the street and I have to wait a few seconds before crossing the street. Once across, I make my way to the front door of the café. As I open the door, the cool air brushes against my warm skin. It feels amazing. Our air in the store is not this cold because Pa says there is no reason for it to be. If it was up to him, we wouldn't even have any however he knows the costumers will complain about it. I head to the bar and sit on one of the shiny red stools before reaching over and grabbing one of the menus. There are so many things to choose from.

As I scroll down the menu, I feel someone come up to sit beside me. I assume it is a guy considering the person has on a nice pair of faded jeans and a pair of Nikes. I try not to look up and force myself to look at the menu until I hear the waitress standing in front of me. "Good afternoon, what can I get for the two of you?"

The two of us? What the heck is she talking about. I glance over to the person and it is the guy that was in the shop over a week ago, staring back at me. I slowly shake my head. "We are not together. I actually need to get my order to go."

"Oh, so sorry about that, I just assumed the two of you were together. Well, sugar what can I get for you today?"

"I need one turkey with cheese, no mayo and for me...can I just get a cheeseburger with fries. And maybe two Root Beers, please."

"Of course, sugar; I will get that right in. Might take about ten minute or so." She smiles ear to ear back at me and then asks the guy what he would like. "What can I get for ya sir?" I noticed her voice, how it changed a pitch and I can tell that she must think he is a little attractive by the way she kept looking back at him.

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