Chpt. 09 | Scott Skelitin

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Joseph and Susan were hurled across the cavern. They landed hard on their backs, and, due to the force of which they'd been thrown, slid several yards before crashing to a halt against the cold stone wall.

Sara's scream echoed through the chilling night air.

Scary Skelitin threw himself down beside his friends, panic eating him from the inside, out. There had to be something he could do. He was Scary Skelitin. He was the most powerful wizard of the modern age! And he was also... too late.

From behind Joseph's limp form, Scary watched as Susan struggled to reach out and touch her true love's cheek. But she never made it. Her hand gave out an inch away, and bounced, lifeless, off of the stone floor.

Scary saw the light in her eyes flicker, and fade. Until a single tear streaking down her face was the only sign of life that'd once filled her body.

It only took a split second, to go from shoving and teasing each other playfully, and simply being... gone.

No tears fell from Scary's face. No droop showed in his shoulders. Instead, rage boiled his blood.

"You should've known better than to bring mortals into this, Scary," came a soft, casual, voice from behind him. "They're far too fragile,"

Gritting his teeth, Scary spun to his feet and surveyed the cavern. Across the cave, Sara stood against the wall, tears pouring down her face, and a dumbfounded Luft put his arms around her.

But Scary focused on the lanky teen up front. The one who stared back at him. The one who's hands were covered in wispy, ghostlike, claws, matching the fatal wounds on the couple's chests.

"You killed them," Scary breathed, staring into the eyes of his longest and oldest friend.

Dare stared back with a dazed grin on his face. "Come on, Scary," he said "You know that everyone in here has to die. Without you all, the resistance dies peacefully,"

"And you are part of that resistance!" Scary yelled, drawing his wand out of thin air.

A moment of realization sparked behind Dare's eyes as he hesitated, to comprehend what he'd just been told. That's right. He was part of the resistance, wasn't he? So why was he-

Scary roared, and blasted Dare off of his feet with a bolt of lightning. But the amount of rage he'd put into the spell caused it to strike himself as well.

Scary was thrown against one end of the cavern, and Dare was shot through a long hallway down the other side.

"I got him!" Simon sprinted down the hall and tackled Dare as he attempted to stand.

Dare put his feet to Simon's chest, and kicked him up through the thin ceiling above them. Then ghostlike wings enveloped his arms, and he beat them once, soaring up after Simon.

In midair, Dare shifted his arms into two large hammers, and slammed them into Simon's midsection. The force sent Simon off like a rocket, disappearing far into the woods. Then Dare landed back in the walkway, his landing creating a cloud of dust down into the cave.

"Simon?" Luft called down the hallway, unsure of how the battle ended. "Answer me buddy!"

"He won't be answering anyone for a while," Dare's silhouette grew in the cloud of dust, and lifted up a wand.

"You're a sorcerer, you moron," Scary groaned. He pulled himself off of the wall and glared across the cave at Dare. "That wand does nothing for you,"

"You don't say?"

Dare lifted the wand high and swung it in Luft's direction. The action produced a long gash torn across the man's torso, also throwing him to the ground. Luft's body left bloody imprints in the dirt as he rolled against Sara's feet.

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