The Allies

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It wasn't even like there were just a few directions to choose from. There were actually a countless number of ways to go with this. And any direction besides the right one could mean the difference between winning and losing this war.

Scary let out a frustrated sigh. He sat back against the tree behind him, and listened to Simon and Luft packing up the campsite in the distance.

They thought he knew what he was doing, but they were terribly mistaken.

Of course, it was his fault they had that idea. When his two friends woke up that morning, Scary gave them the news that he knew where they were heading. A lie of course. He had no idea where they were going, but one thing he knew for sure is that they couldn't stay in the same spot forever. It would mean practically begging to be found. And the last thing they needed right now was to be caught unawares.

"That's great!" Simon had said. All his worries instantly vanished by the one lie Scary told. "Where to?"

"I'm not sure I can tell you that quite yet," Scary replied slowly.

Ever trusting Simon merely accepted this response, and went to work. Luft was a little tougher to convince.

"You don't seem too confident,"

"You're going to have to trust me, Luft," Scary reminded him. "We built this resistance on trust,"

"Yeah, and look where that's taken us so far," Luft replied coldly.

Scary tensed at the reminder, but shrugged it off after a moment of silence. "Fine. I don't know exactly where we need to be. I just know the general direction I need to go. The answers will come to me,"

Luft still didn't look convinced, but he kept his mouth shut, and went to offer Simon a hand.

"I'm going to scope the area while you two finish up," Scary informed them.

"Sounds good!" Simon laughed, juking out Luft and shooting a crumpled blanket into his backpack.

"Your speed clearly puts me at a disadvantage," Luft complained, passing him a pillow.

"I only shoot threes," Simon waved off his excuses. "And you can fly!"

Fifteen minutes later, Scary was still staring at that damn coin, wracking his brain for any sense of anything. Where was he supposed to be going? And why did he know that symbol?!

"Send me a sign," Scary whispered under his breath. "I'll take anything at this point,"

"Almost... there," Gray collapsed through the trees a few yards away, with dried blood trailing down the side of his face, from his eyebrow.

"Anything accept that," Scary specified. Then he climbed to his feet and grabbed Gray's shoulder.

"Ouch! Watch the arm-" Gray glanced up at his assailant, and sighed in relief. "Scary!"

"Shut up!" Scary hissed, slapping a hand over his mouth. "You're going to blow our cover,"

Crystal stepped into the clearing behind them, and took in the scene. "Hey, it's Scary!"

"Oh for God's sake!" He dropped Gray and threw his hands up in the air. "How many of you are there?"

"Just us two, I promise," Gray panted. He staggered back against a nearby tree to gather his breath.

"I told you to leave me alone," Scary snapped, raising an accusing finger at the Child's face.

"Actually, you told me to go home," Gray corrected him, raising his own finger in return. "Which I did. Then I came back,"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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