chapter 2

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I start to hear beeping.

It was very annoying.

What happened?

Were am I?

I start to hear a voice, it sounded like a man talking to somone.

About me?

I hear my mother's voice, she sounds worried.

I start to open my eyes and I realise I am in a hospital room.

I'm alive?

I slowly turn to look at the door and see a doctor come out.

He shakes his head, looks at my mother and then back to me.

I nod.

That is all I can think to do at the time.

The doctor nodded and left.


"We need to take some of your memories back izuku."

My mother starts to explain.

"First I need to have a chat with the doctor."

she tells me.

"Might be awhile, we might have to sedate you."


I didn't know what my mother ment about that.

But I acted like I did, I didn't want to couse more trubble then I already have.

What was I thinking?

I knew if I kept acting like this people will think I'm crazy.

I slowly shake my head, as if I was trying to wake up from a bad dream.

I listen as my mother tells me what to do.

She tells me to wait in the room until I'm told when I can leave.

"Sure, you can wait in here."

I say, not knowing what she wants me to do.

She nods and walks back to the doctors.

I hear the door close and lock.

I wait.

I sit back down and wait.

I don't even care if I could hear everything that's going on outside my room.

It took what seemed like hours to be released from the hospital.

But I finally was.

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