1: different(2/1)

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I was walking with my trainer he had been acting weird lately After every battle he'd return me to my ball,we used to always walk together. (this chapter doesn't really have torno but the rest will have alot of torno!)
Monty had just lost another battle against his rival he was mad very about it 'this stupid fucking Eevee is the reason I'm losing' he thought his starter Pokemon was a small adorable Eevee it loved him very much his name was torno,he recently realized his trainer was acting strange he always used him for battles he used to consider him his strongest but they started to lose every battle they went into 'this Eevee is bad luck' he thought blaming his Eevee for Every loss "nice battle" Jimmy said putting his hand out for a fist bump Jimmy was Monty's rival Monty hated Jimmy he wished he never existed Monty started to walk to the Pokemon center "what's up with you you've been acting different lately" Jimmy said worrying about him Monty just mumbled about wishing jimmy died "what was that" they arrived at the Pokemon center "nothing... Here's your prize money" Monty said giving up the last of his money "thanks bro" he said they walked in and got their pokemon healed "come on we need to challenge the eighth gym" Monty just groaned "oh I forgot your stuck on the third gym" Jimmy said "hope you get lucky this time" Jimmy got up and left, Torno jumped of Monty's hat and rubbed against his legs,Monty grabbed his great ball and returned him torno was sad,He wanted his trainer to be happy but he can't do anything in his pokeball he started to pray,pray to Arceus that his trainer would be happy again and they would be the best partners ever but his prayers we're never heard.

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