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Kayla POV

I woke up to Karson nudging me. Mommy I'm hungry she wined grandma not here. I forgot today was Monday my mom was at work it was 8:45am my baby was a early bird. I got up brushed our teeth and washed our faces and headed to the kitchen.
I decided I would cook grits, turkey smoke sausage and toast. Karson sat at the island in the kitchen watching her iPad. I loved my baby girl honestly I was happy to be back home under my moms roof. i had one of my AirPods in so I could listen to music and hear Karson if she needed anything.

I lowkey zoned out to the time me and James got into this fight because he was high he mushed my head and pulled my hair and told me to be quiet cause I was loud we were in the car smoking I reacted so damn fast I slapped him but as I slapped him I broke the rear view mirror. He had me pushed against the door while telling me to get tf out I had his hood in my hand I dragged him through the passenger side and threw his ass in the mud. Shit was crazy fr I never fought anyone before let alone a damn man. I'm thinking the damn fight over until he came up behind me slamming me on the ground that was some bitch shit cause he waited for me to turn back. After that night I knew I didn't want him because he had no problem putting his hands on me.

I fixed me and Karson plate she was digging in her food lil mama was hungry. I put my food in the microwave cause I was going to stand on the deck to smoke and call Noelle ass. I made sure I open the blinds so I could see my baby from the deck the door was right there but i didn't wanna hear my mom complaining that it smelled of weed in her crib. I had rolled up before bed so all I had to do was light my shit this morning I called Noelle.. what's up whore she said.
That's how we spoke to each other.
What's up bitch wyd ? Noelle said.
Girl nothing just finished packing my spend the night bag I busted out laughing my bitch must be going to Darrell house tonight. I feel it bitch must be nice. Girl hush Noelle said you know I love
Darrell, is y'all coming over today ?

You know we coming over today I just fixed us some breakfast I'm smoking right now though. Girl I was thinking of that time with James ass when I whooped his ass and he slammed me.
Omg Kay I will never forget that night Noelle said that was some bitch shit fr I'm so glad you are getting over his ass.

Me too honestly Noe that shit was so toxic I will never go that low to be with someone crazy thing I knew I deserved better. I pulled my blunt. Yeah that relationship is over i said In my head.
Girl I'm bout high as hell off this weed I done went to another world just now.
Kay and Noelle were dying laughing cause Kay stayed high Noelle smoked but not as much as Kay.

Alright Noe I'm bout to eat my food then get Karson and I together I'll be over there at bout 11:30.
Bet Noelle said.
I walk in the house to Karson was sitting at the island finishing up her food. You wanna go play with Madison today baby? "Yeah I do mommy she my friend" Karson said to her mom. Yeah she's your friend baby soon as mommy finish eating we going to get dressed and head out.

It was about 10:30 we were done eating and it was chilly outside I put Karson brown uggs on with a pink Polo sweatsuit. I had on some black and white dunks with some jeans and a polo hoodie. I was also basic but cute type never did too much I had locs that were about shoulder length, wide hips, butt wasn't too big but it was enough to make someone look, I was about 5'4 and thick for sure.

I grabbed my keys and grabbed Karson bag with a extra pair of clothes just in case she messed her clothes up and some snacks. Noelle literally stayed 7 min away from the crib.

Pulling up at Noe house I got me and Karson out the car so I could knock on the door but Noelle had opened just before I was about to knock. Damn bitch you was waiting on me at the door mimicking the man from beyond scared straight . We both busted out laughing Noe was younger than me but definitely mature she was my best friend but like my little sister as well.

We walked in the house. Where Madison at ? She came running from the hallway. "Hey Karson" they gave each other a hug " Hey Madison" Karson said. They played in the living room floor me and Noelle sat in the living room watching Netflix. Of course we watched Outer Banks. I was dozing the fuck off third shift be kicking my ass for real.

KAYLA!! Noelle yelled my name and scared the shit out of me. Bitch why the fuck you yell my damn name you seen me dozing the fuck off.
Noelle was laughing " Your tired ass let's go get some ice cream with the girls and stop by the mall and not the one you work at cause that mf be too crowded". I stretched let's go then whore. You got Madi car seat ? I got it Noe said. We got in my car I drove a 2020 impala it was black on black.

We pulled up too the mall. We Went through the food court of course we turned heads but I wasn't paying no mind to none of them dusty niggas in the mall. We went to AT&T cause Noe wanted to pay her phone bill. I heard a familiar voice and instantly got annoyed. I tapped Noe why the fuck is James and Dino in here ? "Ewwww" Noe said. We tried to slide out the store without being seen.

Oh word Kay ? You ain't even gone acknowledge me James said. No I didn't plan on it Kay spoke. That's fucked up Kay you see I'm trying to do right why you dodging me ? Kay busted out laughing is this what you call doing right ? James you're probably trying to scam some shit that's why you in the phone store cause I know you don't have no money like that where is your white bitch Taylor? James eyes got big. Oh you didn't think I knew about that huh ? Been knew dumb ass you can't sneak or cheat for shit. Stop being weird and get some business.

I felt bad not even for James but because I never get out of character in front of my baby even though Noe and the girls had stepped outside the store I could feel my baby staring at me. Karson was quiet I told Noe and Madi to walk ahead. What's wrong Karson? "You made me sad mommy" I'm sorry my baby you know mommy didn't mean to be like that okay ? She nodded her head yes. I love you wanna go get some ice cream ? Karson lit up it was like she forgot all about her mother getting worked up. I love ice cream mommy Karson said. I know you do stinky let's go find Noe and Madi.

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