Dont go backwards

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Noelle POV..
I was sitting the living chilling and Darrell was on the phone with Jonah. I overheard him saying he fucked up and went to his baby mama house last night.
I was beyond pissed here I am thinking my best friend might have found the one and this nigga still fucking on his baby mama.
It kills me because niggas never knew how to be honest anymore then felt like they could have their cake and eat it too.
It hurt me because how was I going to tell my best friend that the man she just literally went out on a date with and made her feel good was fucking his baby mama.
This shit was unbelievable.

Me: Call me when you have time bestie.

I knew this shit would crush her. Only cause I knew how much she liked Jonah.

Darrell came out the kitchen
What's up baby ? He said.
I definitely played shit off like nothing happened I didn't want him telling Jonah that I heard the conversation between them.
Nothing much chilling looking at Tik Tok you good ? I asked.
I'm good baby he said.

Kayla POV..
I had just got back home from shopping with my mom and baby girl I still had time to make it to James prayer that his mom was having at the hospital it was 3:45pm.
Ma I'll be back I'm going to the hospital.
Karson was sleep when we got home.
I headed to the hospital.
Honestly I didn't know how I was going to feel seeing James laid in the bed looking like that.
I prayed otw there.
I wasn't the type to go to church every Sunday but I knew who God was my mom made sure of that.
I parked in the parking garage.

My stomach started to hurt the closer I got inside the hospital.
I walked inside & found the elevator.
I remember his mom saying he was on the 3rd floor.
I walked off the elevator to the 3rd floor. It was a lot of people standing in the hallway.
I was greeted by his sister and his mom and brother. His dad was sitting down spaced out I had never seen Mr. Jones in such a zone.
He's in here his Ms.Janice spoke pulling me out my thoughts.
I had to prepare myself for this shit.
I took a deep breath and walked in with his mom holding my hand.
There he was. He had so many tubes and cords coming from everywhere. He looked helpless. I didn't even realize how hard I was squeezing Ms. Janice hand.
Kayla you alright baby ? She asked.
My eyes immediately filled with tears.
I ain't gone lie this shit hurt.
Before the relationship turned toxic I really cared for James.
I knew this would be the last time I saw James.
I'm fine Ms.Janice! I know me and James had a time in our relationship but it's hurtful to see him like this.
I understand baby. God always has the last say so no matter what happens you are forever part of the family.
His mom was a sweet lady, she loved her son but she really didn't know the half of what went down with us.
I appreciate that Ms.Janice.

5 min into being there I seen a pastor walk in and more people that I didn't know walk in as well.
I stood there feeling empty and prepared for the pastor to pray.
So many thoughts were running through my head. I felt bad that James life was basically over.

Thank you for gathering around the preacher said. James family has always held a special place in my heart. I'm saddened that this how we have to be brought together. Let us bow our heads. The pastor quoted psalms 107:20.

Soon as the prayer was over and I said my goodbyes. My mom was right maybe it wasn't a good idea to come to the hospital. I felt like it was my fault. He needed me I thought.
Fuck that. When I was with him I wasn't happy. I hope James finds peace. I just don't think coming here was a good idea.
I checked my phone and noticed my Noelle had text me telling me to call her.

I was still sitting in the parking garage of the hospital and decided to call her while I gather my thoughts.

What's up bestie? I said
Hey boo what are you doing ? She asked
Girl I came to the hospital for James's prayer today. I feel terrible he looked bad sitting in that bed Elle.
Omg Kay! You should have called me I would have went. She said.
I felt like I needed to go by myself for some closure. 

What's up though ? You got some tea ? I asked
I really do bestie but not good tea.
My stomach instantly dropped.
What is it Elle ? I asked.
I overheard Rell talking too Jonah. Jonah went to his baby mama house after y'all left here last night bitch and they fucked. She stated.
Shit was crazy because for me and him to not even be together hearing that shit had me fucked up.
Elle are you serious ? I asked.
As a fucking heart attack. She said.
Wow I was suppose to see him today too. I said.
I know bestie, I know I hate to even bring that shit to you like that. She said.
It's all good Elle. Fuck him. I'm sick of niggas doing shit like this. It's the lying shit for me. I said.
Come over Kay let's smoke and drink wine.
I'm otw. I said.
I sat in the parking garage a little longer because I couldn't believe this shit. This was a bad day.
I decided to get ready to head to Rell house to chill with Noelle.
Jonah start too called. I didn't pick up.
He called twice. He shot a text as well.
Jonah: Whats up pretty ? I called. Wanted to check on you and see if you were still coming through.

Niggas knew how to play it because he was just fucking his baby mama last night but want to be in my fucking face. Goofiest shit ever.

Jonah POV..
I had called Kayla a few times & she was declining my shit. I had been spending the day with lil man and wanted to check on her.
My mind started to wonder. Damn did she know that I went to my baby mama house last night?
Women were smart as fuck. I had sisters so I knew how shit went. How would she know though ?

Unless when I was talking to Rell Noelle was ear hustling. I don't know after I drop Kai off I was gone pull up on Rell and see wtf was going on.

I lit my blunt. I need to stop fucking Andrea.

Everything good I had going on she would fuck up.

Me and Andrea were happy at one point but she was sneaky & couldn't be trusted. I had been through her phone on multiple occasions and seen her talking to other people.

That let me know how to move with her. She came from a troubled home her mom was on dope and she didn't even know her dad. Andrea had no ambition or no goals.

She wanted me to always provide for her. I couldn't even get a cooked meal when I was the one busting my ass. She felt like her pussy was enough for me and it wasn't. The reason we ended was when I confirmed she was fucking other niggas. I was not willing to share no pussy if you was my woman.
I didn't want Kayla to feel like I was some type of messy ass nigga. I liked her a lot. I ain't the type of nigga to jack my shit. Andrea was just always willing to give me some. I respected Kayla to much to try to fuck her the same night of our date.

You good Kai ? I asked. He was laying on the couch watching his tablet and eating chips.
Yeah daddy I'm good he said.
It was getting late. I called Andrea. She answered on the first ring.Im bringing Kai home in the next 2 hours. I told her.
Whatever Jonah. She said.
She was about to irritate me so I hung up.
Imma just see how shit play out with Kayla it's crazy how you can care about a person and haven't even known them that long.

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