
713 32 21

✧ The Captain forms a plan, executes it poorly, and Alison and Mike come to terms with their unusual situation

✧ word count: 5,546


The next morning, Allison let out a shriek from behind the bathroom door.

"The water's gone cold! it's so- it's so cold, Mike! Oh God!"

Pat yelled, "She's coming out!" and all of the (involved) ghosts stood to attention. Not having any powers of his own, Solomon had largely tuned out the earlier "demonstration", finding it altogether unnecessary and instead hunkering down in an armchair to watch with interest.

"Everybody, prepare for action!" The Captain called, poised is if he were about to run a marathon.

"Good luck, everyone! And remember, as long as you do your best..."

"... Finished?"


Allison came out of the bathroom, calling out to Mike about hot water as the Captain shouted, "Go for Robin!"

Robin made the lightbulb flicker, but Alison simply flicked the light switch a few times, testing it, before moving on. The motion shocked Robin, sending him falling backward with a grunt.

Jemima started singing at The Captain's cue, but louder music interrupted it, leaving the woman completely unaware. Mary's attempt had similarly failed, leaving only Julian. He fixed his sleeves, crouched in front of the vase, and started trying to move it with incomprehensible strings of words. He grunted, pained as the others cheered him on with desperate words of encouragement. The vase had barely squeaked an inch across the table by the time she had passed it, none the wiser as she casually strolled through the doorway. They all sighed, almost in unison. She seemed to have had a plaudable explanation for everything.

"Haunting's hard, isn't it?" Pat grimaced, as overlapping speech broke out.

"We'll be overrun with people taunting us with their life!"

Pat mustered a smile, "No, we'll just try again. If at first you don't succeed..."

"Precisely," The Captain started, and Pat tried to hide his disappointment that no one had finished his aphorism, "That's right. We must prepare another charge. Hit them when they're vulnerable. We may have lost the battle, but the war is far from over,"

A blood-curdling scream was heard from outside, followed by a heavy thud.

"Fanny's early,"

"I'm right here,"


Robin rushed to the window and grunted, "It's Kim Wilde!"

When the others gathered around him, they saw Alison, laying flat on the grass outside. The man shouted "Allison!" as he ran outside, falling to his knees beside her. He tried to get her attention, but she looked completely out of it, which was to be expected of someone who'd just fallen from a height. Though, in her last few moments of consciousness, it looked as if she had made eye contact with the ghosts through the window. It must have been a trick of the light, though. Surely.

Kitty began crying immediately after she was taken away by a large, loud motor car, breaking the shocked silence.

"What happened?" She held her face in her hands.

"Well she's fallen from a window, of course," The Captain asserted, posture stiff. Robin mimed shock in an incredibly mocking fashion.

"Yes but-" Pat, started, just as Mary said, "She wasn't all that clumsy-"

𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞, 𝐢'𝐦 𝐚 𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 ⊰†⊱ 𝐁𝐁𝐂 𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now