Chapter 2

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We hear some people chanting "fight!" Me, Gwen, and Finney all run to see what was happening. We pushed past some kids and saw Robin and Moose arguing. "You think you're so tough, huh?" Moose says "let's find out." Robin challenges. "I will pound you like a nail." Moose says which my eye widen.

"Then do it, unless you're scared." Robin challenges again, Moose gets angry and throws a punch. Robin dodges it and punches him in the stomach and Moose grabs his stomach and robin kicks him in the face which causes him to hit a pole. But moose can't get enough and goes to swing again, but Robin blocks and he has Moose In some type of head lock. "Get him, Robin!" Gwen chants.

Moose try's to punch robin but he flips the to where there both back to back but Robin has Moose in a headlock. Then robin lefts go and Moose falls to the ground and Robin gets on top of him and starts punching him over and over again. "Come on." Finney says "Holy shit" Gwen says. "Let's go." Finney says and we walk away. "What the hell?" I say "that was Moose." Gwen says. "I don't care." Finney says clearly not interested "Moose is a giant asshole" I say "i know"

Finney says. "But last year" I say "when he made your nose bleed..." Gwen says "Gwen." Finney says "he had it coming." Gwen says which causes Finney to look at her "No one has that coming" he said to Gwen I mean he isn't wrong Robin could've stopped after a few punches. "Finney." I start "he beat you up." Gwen finish's. "I know guys. I was there, remember? " Finney says clearly annoyed. "I.... I just don't want to talk about it." He says trying to change the subject. "Well he was stupid to pick a fight with Robin Arellano." Gwen says.

   "He's the toughest kid in school, since the Grabber got Pinball Vance Hopper." Gwen says. "I wish you wouldn't call him that." Finney says "Eveyone called him Pinball Vance." Gwen and I say but I said it in a confused tone "No, I mean..." I know who you mean jerk face" Gwen says. I toned out the rest since I got a bad feeling and looked behind me for a few minutes and saw a black van but I shrugged it off trying my best to ignore it.

~time skip~

I was walking out of science with Finney and he looked over at a group of boys "Hey, Finney" Matty I believe his name is says. Finney picks up speed and leaves me a bit. He walkes into the bathroom and I follow since I knew those jackasses were going to do something. I went in and all the stalls where closed but knowing Finney he went into the last one. He locked the stall so I went under it and saw Finney with he's knees to his chest I climbed behind him and sat on the metal area.

Then the door opens "Hey, Finney." Matty says "come out dick weed" I believe it was Matty's friend with puffy curly hair says. "Not fooling anyone, noid." Says the one with red hair I don't know his name but I have a class with him so I recognized his voice. Finney looked at me and I shook my head but he got up, unlocked the stall and walked out.

I groaned and followed annoyed. "What you doing in our bathroom? Huh?" Matty asked ""see the sign? It says 'boys' " The curly haired one says "Yeah, boys, not fags and whores." He says as he looks at Finney then me. " al menos puedo tener perras como tú" I mumbled ( at least I can get bitches unlike you )

The door opens and me and Finney look up at where the door is and the other boys turn around and I see Robin enter. The othe boys look down, "Dipshits, move." Robin says, they do as he says. "Hey Finn, and N/N." He pauses "What's happening?" "You know." I say "Just keeping on keeping on, I guess" Finney says Robin looks at the boys, "uh-huh. Moose got some damn sharp teeth."

The boys look at each other and decide to leave"knuckles bled all first period." They began to walk out,"wait" they all stop and turn to Robin as he took some paper towels. "Fuck with Finn Or my sister again..." Robin turns to them "I fuck with you." He finishes. After a moment "You can leave now." Robin says and motions for them to leave, and with that they leave. "Lo haces mal estúpido" I say "Fine then you do it" Robin says and hands me his hand. (You do it wrong stupid)

I take the paper towels and get to work. Finney walks to a urinal and unzips his np and "QUÉ MIERDA FINNEY, ESTOY AQUÍ!" I say, he scoffs, i look down and try and ignore him and Robin. "Thank you" Finney says "you're gonna have to stand up for yourself one of these days." Robin says "Yeah, I know." Finney replies I wrap robins hand in paper towels and put tape on it "hey, why'd you fight Moose?" Finney asks (WHAT THE FUCK FINNEY, I'M HERE)

"he was just shit-talking." Robin replied "does mean you had to fight." I mumbled "pretty sure he'd back down" Robin says ignoring what I said. "Nope" Robin says and they both laugh and I had a slight smile on my face since it the fight was funny. "I was so surprised when he swung, to be honest" Robin says "I mean did you have to?" Finney asked as he grabbed a paper towel. "All down robin" i say and let go of my brothers hand. "Looked like you really hurt him." Finney said.

"I was just gonna knock his ass down." Robin said "whale on him a bit" Robin says "But that wouldn't draw no blood." I say glaring at Robin I don't like violence unless they hit first. "In a situation like that, the more blood the better" Robin continue

"For the the crowd, you know, it makes a stronger point" Robin says "alright i'm heading to class." i say done with this conversation, and with that i walk out.

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