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I'm done with this fucked up life. I'm done with this.

I'm done with drugs, guns, trafficking— I'm fucking done with it all.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not someone to settle down or want to settle down. I want peace. Quietness. I don't wanna hear the sound of a gun or even the word itself. I don't want the smell of cocaine or the sound of a young girl getting raped by a man we sell our drugs to— I don't want any of it. I don't want a sixteen-year-old bitch screaming for her life while she gets kidnapped and sold to the highest bidder.

I want a small place on the beach. I want quietness. I want to even fucking bake brownies or have a fucking dog.

She rubs her hand on my tatted chest, breaking me out of my thoughts "What are you thinking, Carter?" And just when I was getting happy in my head, "Not about you. That's for sure." She chuckles "Oh please, you're the one who called me two hours ago, wanting a good fuck." I turn my head to her and she moves her hand to my hair, pushing the strands behind my ear "And now that I had it, I would like you to get the fuck out." Her hand stops and she looks at me like she's offended. I smile "Don't play me like an idiot, I know you let Joseph fuck you against the wall last night." Her eyes go wide when I mention my fucking guard outside the villa.

I point at the door "Out." She scoffs "Fuck you!" I retort "You already did. Out." She gets up, grabs her panties, which I don't know how the fuck she ever wore with the fucking beats at the back, and then grabbed her dress, running out naked.

Stupid bitch.

I sigh and take the sheets off me, wearing my pants that were on the floor, and took my burning cigarette and put it between my lips. Inhaling a couple of drags and then put it out on the cup of her bra at my nightstand.
I just put out the cigarette when my doors burst open and in comes Elijah. Green eyes wide, blood running down the side of his face. I raise my brow "Got your ass beat up?" He's hyperventilating "It's your dad. You need to come with me."

I grab my shirt and I'm out the door bare feet.

We walk down the corridor and I button up the shirt as I ask "What the fuck happened?" He keeps talking, can't even stay calm "Y-your dad got shot in the heart. It was an ambush. We thought the deal would be nice and easy, maybe a gunshot here and there but we never expected Rossi."


"I thought the deal was with fucking Bianchi." I ask but he's shaking his head as we take a left and then a right turn "It was. Cocaine deal. We got ambushed and fucking Bianchi is working with Rossi." Shit. Shit. Shit.

We get to the end of the villa and the guards are standing in front of the room. Most of them were beaten up, getting treatment from a couple of medical attendees in the other room. The ones loyal to us since before I was born.

I ask Nico with my voice page with authority "How?" He was my left hand while Elijah was my right. Elijah was also my best friend. We've known each other since— I don't know, I guess we were in fucking diapers.
Nico hisses "We got the wrong intel. Bianchi fucked us over, Carter. He fucked us over because of what you did with his daughter." Elijah looks at me and I shrug "The bitch was begging me to take her virginity."

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