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I stay planted on the single couch with my feet up when he comes back with a Chinese takeaway. He keeps the box on my side of the table and starts digging into his food. Calm. Ignorant. One leg over his knee as he sits on my couch like it was his. He opens up a can of beer for himself but keeps a can of soda for me.

I don't eat. I don't touch the chopsticks, I don't touch the soda. The only voice between us was the fizziness of the soda in the can. That was it. I couldn't even get up to get my phone from my room even though my phone pinged that it was charged.
He sighs, sits up straight, and keeps the box on the table. He takes the wooden chopsticks, pulls them apart and stabs them inside the box, and holds it up for me "We play this game again, Lilly? It's just food. You gotta eat if you wanna be able to fight me, no?" I pull my cardigan tighter and curve myself in the chair with my legs up. As far away from him as possible.

He abruptly stands up and kneels in front of me. Nothing in his hands. He grabs my ankles and has his hand firm around them and pulls my legs down so that I sit up. He grabs me behind my knees and pulls me to the edge of the seat till I'm almost on his lap. I try not to make a sound, I try to keep my face neutral. I try to stay calm. But as soon as his hand gently lands on my thighs, I jerk in my seat. Try to close my legs without meaning to. His hands gently slide down my thighs to my ankles, he grabs them, squeezes them gently, and then caresses his hands to my calves, squeezing them too. I clench my toes on the carpet so I would stay still.
He presses his forehead to mine and closes his eyes. His voice is soft but there's a bite to his tone in every word "You're testing my patience every damn second, Lilly. I told you that I don't like it when you defy me." He huffs through his mouth "It makes me wanna fuck you up. It makes me wanna hurt you but I don't want that because I don't like the way you look at me when I do." He slides his hand up my thigh, up my stomach, up my breast, and grabs my neck. His fingers pressed on my artery but he was not rough. But the thought that if he grabs me the right way, he'd be choking me in seconds. I could pass out or I could just stop breathing forever. That thought scared me.

He pulls me forward by my neck and his nose brushes against mine, his breath warm on my lips. My hands are on the armrest as I claw my fingers into the leather of the chair. He notices everything.
Every move. Every breath. Every tremor.
He says "I'll give you a choice from now on. If you continue to defy me, I'll let you choose something. You either drop the attitude and do whatever I say, or you can just let me do what I want and take it like a good girl. I'll let you choose." He groans on my lips " Choose, Lilly, the nice way or the not-so-nice way." His fingers squeeze my neck once and it made me look him in the eye. My breath came out in shivers as I ask "If I eat, will you sit far away from me?" He smirks "Is that what you're choosing? Fuck, the fun I had planned for us in a not-so-nice way- fine, I'll sit at the corner if that gets you to eat. Deal?" I dip my chin in a soft nod and he stands up, lets me go, and sits at the corner of the couch. He has his back to the armrest but he doesn't give me privacy. He keeps looking at me. A smile on his face. I take the food and start eating, little bites at a time.
He grunts "All of it, Lilly. You eat all of it." I swallow and stuff more bites into my mouth.

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