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"Jung-Hwa! Please don't jump." I begged as I ran towards my friend, clutching on to him desperately.

The sky was black as droplets of blood fell from the dark clouds.

My dark haired friend struggled to get out of my grip as the blood rain drenched him in the iron smelling fluids.

"Let go, Joon! I'm tired of this! Im tired of you telling me I'm as weak as a mortal like you! I'll fucking show you that nothing can hurt me! Stop crying! It's not like I'll fucking die, dumbass." Jung-Hwa laughed in mania.

Tears stung my eyes, as I used all my strength to stop my delusional friend from proving his immortality to me.

"You're not immortal! You're not some God. You're not the messiah! You'll never be able to see the light of day again if you jump. Please, listen to me. I'll take you to the hospital-"

Jung-Hwa huffed as he looked down with displeasure. "You're just like everybody else. Denying God. You will get punished! Just watch."

He shoved me so hard I couldn't catch myself. The sudden impact also pushed him off the bridge as well.

I screamed as blood pooled around the bridge from the rain that were like tears of the devil. He had taken my friend.

I ran towards the railing, choking, gagging from the iron stench, and watched as my friend smiled while falling down.

I screamed my lungs out as I heard his body harshly hit the water.

If only he was immortal like he thought he was...

I gasped as I woke up from my nightmare. My stomach tied in knots, drenched in a cold sweat. Beads of tears teased the corner of my eyes.

"It was just a dream..."

"Just another dream of Jung-Hwa's suicide with horrid twists."

I wiped my tears away and sighed with relief. I was too afraid to go back to bed.

I decided to browse on my laptop when I noticed a sticky note taped to the back of it. It was the number Nari's sister had given me when I went investigating.

I sighed. Seeing her number brought up feelings of worry for Nari again. I was hesitant on calling it late at night. I still had some unanswered questions, and I wondered what Sangwoo was during at her apartment.

I know I said I would keep my distance, but I cannot get this goddamn feeling off my chest. Something is wrong and I can't ignore it.

I closed my laptop and laid back down. Maybe I'll get some sleep and then call Ha-Joon...

I closed my eyes and tried to ignore that gnawing feeling pounding against my chest. The feeling of dread, worry and concern.

How was I supposed to ignore it all night? To at least ease that feeling, I tried calling the number.





No answer. Straight to an automated voicemail. I sighed. I really had to get this feeling off my chest.

"Fuck it." I scoffed as I threw on cargo pants, a baggy tee, a leather jacket, and some leather boots.

"I'm going back to see if she's home." I said to myself in the mirror.

Yeah, she's probably asleep. But she also could be up drinking and she'll maybe let me in and I can talk and investigate more.

I don't care what boundaries I'm stepping over with Sangwoo's so-called "relationship" with Nari.

I'll take that chance over ruining my possibility of friendship with Nari then her ending up hurt or dead.

After all, she's the only person who really ever showed me human decency since I arrived to public school.


I arrived to the apartment complex. Of course, late into the night/very early morning there was some sketchy behavior around the neighborhood.

I walked up the staircase to the beaten up apartments and walked over to Nari and Ha-Joons door.

To my surprise, it was completely open. I cocked my head in confusion. Did somebody forgot to close the door?

Maybe Ha-Joon was too drunk to remember to close the door. Very dangerous mistake in this part of town.

"Ms. Choi?" I called out. All the lights were turned off and it was as silent as the dead of night.

No response.

I decided to walk a little further into the small, dingy apartment.

"Ha-Joon?" I called out once again. I flicked the lights on and closed the door.

I looked around the apartment. There wasn't a whole lot of furniture, just a green sofa, dining table, and a coffee table with a box TV on it.

I walked around, the only noise coming from my footprints against the wood floors.

"Is anybody home? You left your door open. It's Joon. I stopped by not too long ago." I called out.

As expected, no response.

On the dining table there was a plate of eggs and rice. It seemed fresh. Somebody wasn't here too long ago.

I got a bad feeling. My horrid worry skyrocketed. I walked into the first room I saw.

There was a futon near the window, a dresser, and a full length mirror.

I figured it was Nari's room since I recognized the mirror in her selfie. My eyes examined the clutter on the floor and dresser.

The dresser held razor blades, sleeping pills, a jar of cotton balls, and tissue paper.

I found a journal on the bed and sat down on Nari's futon. I hoped this had any clues regarding her whereabouts.

I flipped through the pages. It didn't seem like a diary, more of a way to obsessively count calories and how many days she went without food.

I tossed the journal to the side and found a laptop charging on the ground.

I opened it up and was met with a lock screen. I didn't know her password but I decided to take it with me. Maybe I can guess her password at home.

I softly closed the door behind me and walked into the next bedroom. It was Ha-Joon's bedroom.

She wasn't anywhere in sight. I looked around the room and found nothing that I thought would help with my investigation.

I silently left the building, laptop in hand.

I hope I'll find you soon, Nari.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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a torturous passion [ sangwoo x oc x yoon bum ] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now