hey everyone!

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Hey guys! This book has officially turned two years old. That's... Honestly fucking crazy. Part of me feels like I've matured beyond this, and I'm such a mature thirteen years old blah blah blah, but I'll be real with y'all I just escaped the damn dream smp fandom in April and now I'm in countryhumans. COUNTRYHUMANS. so, no, I don't think mature is the right word. (Although my fanfiction has certainly gotten mature...)

Anyway, I just thought I'd write this small note to end this book. And yes I know, it's really not a book, just a couple 'a words about my dumb opinions. (I am now a proshipper and there are honestly very few ships that make me genuinely disgusted. And countryhumans... Oh lord, istg I ship everything except Ukranada at this point.)

Sorry, getting completely off track...

If you were one of the people I interacted with, maybe even only once or twice, thank you so much for making my young years so much better. I never could have become who is truly ME without the loads of odd phases I've been through, and the honestly awful amounts of fucking porn I was consuming at ten and eleven. But alas, I cannot change the past, and quite frankly I wouldn't want to.

Yes, this is who I am. Someone that you would be embarrassed to be seen with, interact with, and all the whipped cream, cherries and sprinkles on top.

Even if you are simply reading this dumb authors note, I appreciate you more than you'd ever know. If you're older, younger, smarter, dumber (impossible) than me, I thank you for being here and, in a way, supporting my incredibly stupid but normal dream of becoming famous. And yes, this book only has 13.4k reads (at the time of writing this) but every one of those reads made my day just a little bit brighter. That people took time out of their days, to see something I created, to read MY opinions.

Thank you. Thank you so much, and this has gotten way to sappy.

Goodbye, and please say something to me! I love to talking to you guys!! 💪🥰 Bye❤️❤️❤️

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