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Peter's POV

We were so close that I could feel her heart beating against mine. I don't get it, I truly love Lily. I want her, but at the same time I need Emma. There's just something about her that I need, it's not love it's lust.
"So what are ya gonna do?" She says popping me out of my thoughts.
"You." I rammed her up against a tree and smashed my lips in hers as hard as they could go. My hand ran up her thigh and under her dress, but the her hand pushed it back down.
"You can't do this we can't do this. Whenever something good happens in my life, it always turns bad." she stops me.
"What do you have to loose, I'm already bad." I whisper in her ear.
She pulls my head into hers, we made out against the tree until we heard a tree branch crack behind us. It's was one of the animal fairies, Fawn. Her eyes widened with shock, she was Lily's best friend and she's going to tell her. I can't let that happen. I looked to Emma, she also knew what we had to do. Emma transported to the other side of dawn so we were vertically surrounding her.
"Poor little Fawn, Wrong place wrong time honey." Emma said smirking, she had developed a good smirk this past year.
"Peter help me please!" Fawn begged, I've been tolerant With the fairies, I'm sick of it.
"Do you really think I'm gonna help you?" I say slowly walking with my hands behind my back.
"Bu-but you've been good, your my friend." she blubbers out.
"Emma you know what to do."
"Always do"
She gets closer behind Fawn and snaps her neck, it was pretty great.
"And that's why your Queen of Neverland."
She chuckles as she kicks away the body behind a tree.
She walks back to me and is as close as we were before.
"So where were we."
I push her back down.
"We have to get back, people are gonna get suspicious especially with the body in the woods."
"Okay, another time then." she whispers in my we and walks off.
I walk the opposite way back to my tent. Lily was there, I still expect Emma because she just moved out 1 month ago.
"Hey where were you." she asks.
"Oh um out, walking."
"Oh okay."
I walk to the bathroom, I need a shower. Before I close the door, Lily speaks out.
"I love you Peter."
"Oh um love you too."

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