Day 1 - Julissa's POV

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It all started with an innocent video. I didn't think much of it in the beginning, I mean Kayden was always getting into all these weird things. The video was funny and we had a good laugh. The concept sounded fun so I subscribed. Then... things started to change.

I didn't notice it at first. Kayden and I had continued to watch the videos of the two YouTubers doing funny exciting things in the name of only being around for one year. I hardly noticed how we'd begun doing the challenges they put up for us to do. It wasn't until the end of summer that I started to realize what we'd gotten ourselves into. Kayden had managed to drag her cousin into this mess with us. We had all signed up for camp Unus Annus.

"Come on we have to go get our shirts and get assigned a cabin!" Kayden exclaimed, running over to the check-in area, her luggage in tow.

"Don't look so nervous Julie! It'll be fun!"

I looked over at Izzy and gave her a half-smile. I wasn't sure why but I'd had this feeling in my gut ever since we got on the camp bus. I shook it off as excited nerves and hurried to catch up with my friends.

"Don't feel bad that you guys got put in Unus. I can't believe I'm an Annus! I mean, of course, I am I'm awesome. Not that you guys aren't, I mean not as awesome as me but-" I start to tune Kayden out frowning slightly.

Like at other camps, Camp Unus Annus separated its attendees into different groups. The Annuses- outspoken, self-confident, and bold, and the Unuses- kind-hearted, compassionate, and creative. Izzy and I were placed in the Unus cabins while Kayden was placed in the Annus cabins.

Izzy gave me a nudge with her elbow, "you wouldn't want to be in the same cabin as her anyway" she reassured me, "she is beyond messy and loud."

We both chuckled at this waving goodbye to Kayden and walking toward our cabins.

The cabins were lined in neat rows. They looked like small log houses tucked into the forest. People were milling around, all shapes and sizes, some looked to be as young as 12 while others were as old as 30. This struck me as weird, though I shrugged it off remembering how the website said it was an all-inclusive summer camp.

Izzy grabbed my arm and pulled me to a man with a clipboard. As we got closer my eyes widened in surprise, "Holy cow! Ethan?!" I exclaimed, looking at the man who was from the Youtube channel that started it all.

"Yes ma'am! I'm the official head Unus here glad to meet such strong fellow Unuses. Now let's see... ah, Julissa Martinez..... and Izzy Kaite?" he said while looking at our name tags. "Alright you are both in Unus Cabin 2, lucky you that's right next to my cabin Unus Cabin 1!" he told us with a smile.

"I had no idea Ethan would actually be here! Do you think Mark is too?" I asked Izzy excitedly as we unpacked.

Inside the cabin was a small living room and mini kitchen. There were two bunk rooms, each with its own bathroom and 2 bunks, and then another half bath. Izzy and I decided to bunk in the same room and I got the top bunk of the bed while she took the bottom.

"I don't see why he wouldn't be. Man, I bet Kayden is fangirling so hard right now" Izzy chuckled and I couldn't help but laugh.

We finished unpacking and changed into our camp shirts and headed towards the big mess hall. As we were walking Kayden sprinted over to us, her eyes wide with excitement.

"Guys! You will not believe who I just saw, hugged, talked to, and hung out with!" Kayden exclaimed, out of breath from running over to us.

"Let me guess, Mark?" I said rolling my eyes at her in a playful manner. "What? How'd you know?" she asked dejectedly. She always liked bringing big news to the group.

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