Day 2 - Morning - Kayden's POV

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I woke up to the sound of chanting as "Unus Annus Unus Annus" played through the speakers placed all around the camp. I sat up groggily and peered around my cabin from the top bunk and my eyes locked on the small indoor speaker in the corner of the room. 

I found it slightly weird that I didn't notice it before but my focus was pulled towards my cabinmates as I realized that they were chanting too. I found it a little odd but decided they were just really getting into the camp spirit and decided to join in. 

However, the minute that thought crossed my mind I realized, they weren't the only ones chanting the camp chant as I had unknowingly been chanting along the entire time. How weird...

Putting aside the weird events of the morning I quickly rushed to get ready for the day. 

My bunkmate, Lisa, a small but athletic girl with toned muscles and slicked-back black hair, began wondering about what Mark and Ethan had planned for the day. 

"Maybe we'll go hiking, or canoeing, or mountain climbing, or horseback riding!" she squealed excitedly. 

Usually, I would find myself annoyed by her early morning energy, but she was an Annus and part of my own group nonetheless so after last night's bonding activity I found it hard to harbor such petty animosity towards one of my own. I smiled as I remembered the events of the night before.


After being separated into the two groups, Mark had led us a good distance away from the camp in the opposite direction Ethan had taken his group. We stopped in a large sandy clearing with rectangular benches arranged in a circle. 

Following Mark's lead, we all took a seat on the benches and once we were all settled, Mark began to explain the bonding exercise. 

"To begin, I want each of you to come to stand in the center of this circle and say at least one thing about yourself. I'm talking talents, strengths, something you are proud of, things like that. As an Annus it is important that you yourself are self-confident first and foremost. Why should your peers spend their time on you if you don't see yourself as worth that time? Now, do I have a volunteer to begin?" 

As soon as he had asked, several hands shot up, eager to be the first to prove themselves. Mark selected a brown-haired boy, high school-aged by the looks of it, with tan skin and freckles all over his face. 

"Hello everyone! My name is Dean and I am very dedicated and athletic. I pour my all into everything I do and always see my projects through to the end. I love the outdoors and being active is an important part of my day-to-day and I guess I just can't wait to see what the rest of camp has to offer!" he ended his spiel with a dazzling smile and I swear I saw most of the girls sigh. 

"Very well done Dean!" Mark clapped, offering his praise with an equally charming smile. God, were all Annus men this attractive???

Gradually, everyone in the circle got their turn to announce themselves. Finally, it was my turn so I stood and walked confidently to the center of the circle. 

"Howdy, everyone! My name is Kayden and I am definitely a fighter. When my friends need me I am always willing to stand up for them and fight for what's right. I adore nature and the outdoors and am quite talented in the realm of animals as I'm able to make most feel at ease and safe around me. I am so excited to learn and grow while I am here surrounded by such amazing company as y'all!" I flashed my best smile before turning to take my seat and allow the next person to go. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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