o3 || delilah

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Delilah's back was pressed flush against her bed, her thighs wrapped around the body grinding against her roughly. Her mouth parted in a groan as she arched her neck, exposing it elegantly as soft kisses were placed along her collarbone and chest. Her hands were tangled in dark brown waves as his hands raked through her soft curls, more red streaks now through it more than ever. As one of his hands grabbed her hipbone aggressively, she arched her back, feeling her chest graze against his flat, tattooed, one. The sound of Eddie Munson's heavy panting drove her wild as she ground her hips against his. She moaned his name as she felt her panties being slid down her thighs. She couldn't believe it was happening after all these months. There he was, above her getting ready to make love to her like they once had.

"Delilah," He groaned out, his lips grazing her neck and jawline, "Why did you do it?"

Delilah's eyes fluttered open lightly, still moving against his body in response to his own grinding, "Do what?" She smiled softly, her hands still moving through out his dark hair.

His kisses ran up the side of her neck until he reached her ear, which he gently nibbled on before his gruff voice rang in her ears. "Why did you let me die?"

Delilah's eyes shot open as she pulled away from him, or tried. Her arms went to her sides before Eddie's hands were on her wrists. "Eddie-" She started before he pulled away from her ear and revealed a new face. His eyes were hollow and black, desolate even. His face was boney and pale, paler than normal, but his mouth held a handful of sharp fangs, dripping with saliva. Delilah tried to scream, but nothing came out as she heard a squelching noise from above her. Leathery, black, wings began to crawl and sprout from the back of Eddie. Gelatinous material flung from the wings as they stretched out and before she knew it, Eddie had grown a long, slick, tail that crawled up her body and rested gently around her neck. That was until she tried to call for him again. The tail wrapped itself around her windpipe as she gasped for breath.

"I did it all for you, Delilah," He said with a wicked smirk across his face, his fangs dripping.

"No, Eddie, please," She barely spoke out before the tail released her, but she was only spared for a brief moment before Eddie's fangs slammed down into her neck, ripping at her flesh hatefully.

She tried to scream again and again until she realized she was finally screaming out loud successfully. She flailed around and shot up straight when she realized Eddie wasn't on top of her anymore. Her eyes shot back and forth, desperately trying to get a grip on her reality. Her eyes darted to her vanity, to her window, to the face in the mirror on the vanity before she tried to catch her breath. Tears streamed down her face as she stared at herself, pale, unkempt hair and sweating. She gasped for air before there was a knock on her door. She whipped her head to it before her mother's face appeared in the doorway.

"You okay honey?" She asked, looking concerned at her daughter, "You were screaming again," She spoke gently.

Delilah gulped before closing her eyes and nodding. "Yeah, I'm fine," She said, looking out her window for a moment before she glanced back at Claudia, "I said I'm fine," She reiterated, though she really wasn't.

"Well, if you need anything, I'll be at work so you can just call me there," She spoke gently before waving to her, "I love you, Delilah."

Her door closed after that and Delilah flopped down on her mattress, staring up at the ceiling. She had dreams like that almost every night now a days and they scared her just as bad every time. She hated seeing Eddie like that. She hated being scared of him. She missed him terribly and even the beginning where it all started out okay, hurt her to think about. The idea of never getting to be with him again hurt her worse than anything. She could take a million slaps across the face from Charles before she could take losing Eddie for another day. Things seemed so much more empty now. Nothing had the same appeal it once did. Except for getting so fucked up that she couldn't focus on Eddie anymore.

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