o6 || delilah

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Even drunk, Delilah knew she had made a big mistake. She didn't see Steve in that way, but there she was calling him babe. She had clung to the edge of the counter and held back the harshest tears. It hurt she held them so hard. A couple squeaked out against her will. Embarrassment didn't begin to describe it. It wasn't the first time either. It was with Steve though. She didn't want him to get the wrong idea. Delilah felt as if she couldn't be with anyone like that, even if she wanted to. She missed warm embraces and sex and little dates involving weed and thrift stores. She missed listening to him play guitar when he couldn't sleep after they had slept together. Made love together. She missed the smell of Malboro reds and her coconut shampoo he had used because he was always out in his messy brown waves.

But he was dead. And that was it. There was nothing she could do about it.And as much as she had tried to do something about it, she still couldn't help but blame herself. She wasn't sure if it was Vecna making her have those dreams but whatever it was, it was working. She believed everything the vampiric Eddie slithered out to her right before he started ripping her to pieces. The rest of the movie night, she stayed relatively quiet. She just kept sipping on beers and whiskey until she passed out on the floor. She had awoken the next morning with a blanket put over her and Dustin asleep close to her. Steve and Robin had also passed out in their respective spots. It was rare that Delilah was the first one awake but the hangover had stung her conscious. She had gotten up and changed into a baggy pair of sweatpants and a Janis Joplin shirt before heading out the door.

All she did was drive and listen to a mixed tape. She drove all over Hawkins and even out of city limits. She drove past where Fuzzy's once stood and past the bar that Eddie had taken her to. She drove all the way out to Lover's Lake. Before she knew it, she was pulling into Reefer Rick's house. Which had a beat up red pick up truck in the driveway. She placed her car into park before hopping out. She clung her denim jacket closer to her as she crossed her arms over her chest. At first, she really didn't know why she had come there. She glanced over to her left and looked upon Lo ver's Lake. One of the last spots she had seen Eddie. The first time he left her. She went back to the front door of Reefer Rick's house as a door creaked open and a tall, thin, tattooed man appeared in the doorway. He had shaggy brown hair and deep brown eyes. They almost looked darker due to how red his eyes were.

"Can I help you?" He asked, a thick New York accent rang out to her.

She gulped before shrugging her shoulders. What was she really there for? Why did she want to see Reefer Rick. She opened her mouth to answer, but he had cut her off.

"Holy fucking shit, you're Eddie Munson's girlfriend?" He said, covering his mouth before he stepped out on his porch, "The Devil's concubine herself," He chuckled as Delilah turned on her heel and started walking away. "Woah, woah, woah! I didn't mean anything by it!" He hollered out after her. "That's just what the news was callin' you for a while, yeah?" He asked her.

She stopped in her tracks and took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. She didn't want to leave. She had other intentions. Intentions she hadn't even realized until that moment. When she realized that she couldn't leave. She needed something. Something from Reefer Rick. She turned back round to face him and shrugged her shoulders. "You like all the names people give you?" She asked, defending herself.

"Fair point," He said before setting his hands on his hips, "So you gonna tell me why you're here?" He asked, eyeing her up and down.

She could have cringed at the man's eyes on her, but she kept her cool. It wasn't the first time an older guy had checked her out. He wasn't as old as she had expected though. He looked to be about late twenties. "I um . . ." She bit her bottom lip for a moment and stepped closer to the steps up onto his porch, "I need something." She asked, her eyes filled with desperation and her head still pounding from the hangover.

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