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"You got a memory? About what?" A broad smile spread across Lulu Spencer's face, looking up at him.
"Well, of you. I'm still a little confused but, I remember you running into my arms and we hadn't seen each other in months. I met you're mother." Johnny tries to sear that one memory into his brain.
"I know exactly what you're talking about, it was right after you got acquitted and I'd gotten out of Shadybrooke. We hadn't been able to see each other in months. I didn't really have my mom growing up, she went into a comatose state when I was six. It wasn't until I got checked into Shadybrooke when I was twenty that she actually woke up, this is good. This is progress. It might be awhile before you get another memory and it might not. You should write everything you remember in a notebook, here. I should have one around here somewhere. Hold tight." Lulu began searching around the main room of Crimson.
"She's so adorable." Johnny thought to himself, watching her scurry around the room clearly on a mission. Lulu emerged from the storage room with a notebook and a pen, a triumphant smile on her face.
"Thank you." Johnny chuckled, taking the notebook from her and detailing the memory.
"Are you ready?" Johnny asked, he'd forgotten that Dante and Kate were in the room with them.
"Yes, just let me get my coat." Lulu smiled, grabbing her bag.
"Allow me." Johnny held up a hand, going over to her desk chair and picking up her white coat. Coming up behind her, he slid it over her arms.
"Thank you." She smiled, as she grabbed the bouquet from the desk as the two headed for the elevator.
"Can I ask you something?" Lulu asked as they emerged into the night air, curious.
"You can ask me anything." Johnny says with zero hesitation.
"How did you feel? You know, when the memory hit? I guess I just wonder how you look back on us." Lulu almost got shy when she asked.
"I remember feeling like I was in love with the ground you walked on, I remember an overwhelming sense of missing you. Of loving you." Johnny recounted the memory, seeing Lulu's face in vibrant color.
"My theory was did still have a thing for me. That's...comforting." Lulu softly smiled, maybe they had always held each other's hearts.

Alina Belov boarded the plane to Port Charles, New York...millions of miles away from her home country Russia. Brushing her crimson red locks behind her ear, she got adjusted into her seat.
"Who's that?" Her Russian accent was thick, as she lifted up her cell phone with a new text message.
One new message from: Ethan 💜
Ethan: I can't wait to see you, little Red. It's been too long...
Alina let her lips curve into a smirk, he was her reason to relocate to North America...Alina and Ethan had met each other years earlier in Australia and kept in touch.
"Oh, I can't wait to see you too." Alina whispers softly to herself, the plane was getting ready to take off the runway. Alina was twenty-three years old a few years younger than Ethan but not much, and a model. Alina was flying from California where she had just wrapped up a modeling contract, already having worked out a deal to model for Crimson Magazine in Port Charles.
Alina: I have a surprise for you.
Ethan: please say it's sexy ..
Alina: maybe it is, maybe it isn't. You'll just have to wait and see 🙈
With that message she put her phone on airplane mode and sat back in her seat, letting her eyelids drift shut.

June 11th 2004
Alina Belov was a fifteen year old girl in a foreign country, the culture was different as was the food and weather. Growing up in Russia hadn't prepared her for this, student exchange program. The young girl would be living with the "Lovett" family for one year, she had read that they had a son that was eighteen years old...he was a senior in high school. Alina hoped he wasn't mean, because this transition would be hard enough.
"Are you ...Alina Belove?" She heard a voice ask, with an unmistakable Australian accent, she'd have to get used to that.
"Belov." She smiled politely turning towards the voice, to see the most striking boy she had ever known. Well, he was a man.
"I'm so sorry, I was determined NOT to mess you're name up. I'm Ethan Lovett." Ethan flushed with embarrassment, offering out his hand.
"It's okay, really. It's nice to meet you." Alina found him amusing.
"Let me help with you're bags, a lass should never have to carry her own luggage." Ethan immediately reached for her luggage, all five bags at the same time.
"I can carry something, I know it's heavy." Alina purses her lips in an effort not to laugh at his clumsy gestures, as he stumbled.
Once Alina had settled into Australia life she had buried herself into her studies, their way of learning was very different. Ethan always looked out for her everywhere they went, she was anxious about going anywhere by herself but ...Ethan never minded her tagging along.
"Ethan, do you like me?" Alina asked him, one day when they were alone at the house.
"Of course I like you, Red." Ethan chuckled, not understanding what she meant.
"I'm just trying to understand why you're so nice to me. I mean like, as a friend or do you have a crush on me?" Alina was as blunt as he, it never occurred to her to put a filter on her words.
"I have a huge crush on you, which also makes me like you as a person. You're a wonderful and gorgeous person inside and out. I've never met a woman that's as blunt as I." Ethan admitted, she was just shocked that he admitted to it.
"I feel the same." Alina knew she was leaving to go back home in May and still had two more years of school, Ethan would be graduating this May and no doubt had plans for his life. Where could this lead? On the day she left Australia, Ethan and her exchanged numbers and had kept in contact on and off through the years. Phone calls, texts, face time, sneaking off to see each other. The feelings never waverd, there had never been a prayer that they could just be together...not until now.

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