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"Ethan told me about the accident, I'm sorry. Have any memories come back so far?" Alina decided to make conversation with Johnny while Ethan was inside the bar, getting the food.
"It's okay. I actually had a memory today, luckily Lulu was with me when I had it and she told me to write it down in a notebook. Even before I got the memory, Lulu was the only thing that felt familiar to me. The more time I spend with her, the more I'm convinced that I was in love her. That I am in love with her, there's no past tense about it. Even with my lack of memory, that's never stopped her from wanting to talk to me."Johnny was still in shock that Lulu even wanted to talk to him, Johnny had so many feelings about this woman that there was no doubt in his mind that he loved her.
"I've never met any of Ethan's real family but, Lulu sounds like a special person." Alina knew from the way that Johnny couldn't stop talking about Lulu, that there was a deep connection. Ethan came back outside with a Togo carton and handed it to Johnny, Johnny thanking him.
"I'll have to remember to call and get my card turned back on tomorrow. Thank you, I'd love to stay but I really need to get back to you're sister." Johnny sighed, Lulu had been really shaky when he'd left.
"It's no problem, mate. I understand that you're still adjusting to life, you were out of commission for three months. Thank you for taking care of my sister." Ethan and Johnny shared a serious look, before Johnny got into his car and left.
"So, you're friend had a memory today." Alina said, which made Ethan's eyes widen.
"Wow, maybe he really is getting better. Maybe Lulu was the key all along...which does make sense. Everyone says that Zacchara was very withdrawn before he met my sister, Lulu brought him back into the light." Ethan counters to himself, as the couple resumed their walk down the block.

Johnny drove back to Lulu's apartment, making sure not to spill the food or drink. Once he locked his car back he entered the apartment building and turned the doorknob, to see Lulu sitting on the couch where he had left her. The only difference was that her hair was wet and she had on sweatpants and a sweater.
"Are you ever going to decide between Matt and Spinelli? Watching you're love life is exhausting, and I feel sorry for those guys. Maxie, we're not getting any younger." Lulu was on the phone with who he assumed was her friend Maxie.
"Lulu, I know. I'm going to make a decision, I will. I love both of them, why should I have to suffer through this monogamous life? Why can't they both have me?" Maxie's reply made Lulu facepalm herself.
"Well, do they know that? Matt might be okay with sharing but, Spinelli definitely won't be. I'm just saying that you should consider how they are feeling too, it's not just about you. I gotta go, Johnny will be back any minute and I don't want him to hear you're pointless drama." Lulu mumbled, seemingly done with this conversation.
"Oh, Johnny's coming back? Hmmm. We'll have fun and, remember-" Maxie started but, got cut off.
"Maxie, we're not having sex. You have a one track mind and, personally I'm too shaky right now to be doing all that." Lulu sighed, hoping that Maxie would hang up.
"Fine, I'll let you go. I'm just saying maybe it'd make you feel better, God knows Dante could never keep it up. I love you, I'll see you whenever I'm done with Matt." Maxie chatters away.
"Have I ever told you how much I hate you? Because I do." Lulu says, without much emotion.
"Oh relax you'll be fine." Maxie says, before the line went dead.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to interrupt." Johnny cleared his throat.
"Oh my god, you heard all of that? Please excuse Maxie, that's just the type of person she is." Lulu immediately flushed bright pink at the sound of Johnny's voice, as he sat down by her.
"I ran into Lovett and he insisted on buying you're food, which I'm glad for because I forgot my card is frozen." Johnny was a bit embarrassed to tell her this but, it made Lulu smile.
"You guys don't have to spoil me, I could have given you some money. Thank you, both of you." Lulu really wasn't used to being taken care of.
"Of course we do, that's a man's job." Johnny immediately shut the thought down.
"That's just something so.... YOU to say. You grew up with the money and you'd always insist on buying me everything I needed, some things I didn't. You are a true gentleman in every form of the word, thank you." Lulu leaned over to press a kiss to his cheek, even without his memories he still felt like her Johnny.
"No need to thank me." Johnny softly smiled, brushing her dampened hair away from her face so that he could look at her.
"Maxie's going to be gone for a few days...I was wondering if you'd want to stay with me. I just really don't like being alone. Anywhere." Lulu slightly glanced down as she asked her question, she really dreaded being alone because all it left her with was her inner demons.
"Yeah, I can do that." Johnny nodded settling into the couch beside her.
" I'll eat in a little bit. I just...I feel so bad right now. I don't know what it is." It was true, Lulu had been feeling ill all day. It wasn't a pregnancy I'll because she'd already checked. Lulu felt shaky, nauseous and just out of sorts.
"Maybe you just need a few days away from everything, maybe you need someone to take care of you for a change." Johnny looked at her, sensing she was overwhelmed.
"That does sound nice." Lulu was obliged to agree and all but leaned into his touch when he sweetly caressed the side of her face.
"Just relax and let me handle everything." Johnny sighed as he pulled her body into his arms, Lulu immediately relaxed at the familiarity of his body.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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