jealousy scale

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- personally i don't think he'd be EXTREMELY jealous yk?
-if a person is hitting on you, he'll kinda leave it alone
- if the person hitting on you/flirting ith you is making you feel uncomfortable THEN he'll make it known your his
- doesn't make out or anything like that, just pulls you tight to his side and glares

-trusts you with his life
- he knows that if someone is trying to flirt,you'll dismiss them yourself
-if he has to interfere he will

- 8/10
- he gets worried if your going out late
-not controlling but just feels safer knowing where you are
- not afraid to let people know your his and his only
- kisses you, but not aggressively

-gets jealous,but not straight away
-like miguel he leaves it alone unless the person is being excessive
-emphasises things like MY girl and hey BABE

-just like everyone else, he trusts you with his soul
- rarely jealous in my opinion
- doesn't really mind if someone is trying to flirt
- if he needs to say something he will
- he never actually needs to get involved cause your an independent and strong girl boss 😘😘

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