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Peter's POV

Here I am in Germany, something about Captain America going crazy. I'm just waiting for my signal, so while I wait I start messing with my dog tags. My father gave them to me when I was little and I haven't seen him sense then, so I wear them everyday to remember him. I don't know much about him other then he is the winter soldier. I was born in Hydra and my mom died during birth, I spent the first 4 years of my life in a cell with my dad. One day when he had a mission he snuck me out and gave me to an orphanage, with his dog tags. From there I lost everyone else in my adoptive family but my "aunt". She's very nice and I love her, but I know she is not my true family so I can never fully think of her that way.

"Underoos" Mr. Stark calls, pulling me out of my thoughts. I jump out of my hiding spot and web Captain America's hands together and take his shield, then land in my signature pose.

"Nice job, kid". Mr. Stark tells me. I scan the other team and then notice a familiar face with a metal arm. I drop the shield and jump off of my spot and start walking to the other side.

"Kid, what we you doing" Mr. Stark asks, but I ignore him. I keep walking until I am a few feet away from my dad.


"извините, я вас знаю"(I'm sorry do I know you). I let a few tears fall as I fiddle underneath my suit to grab the dog tags.

"это я папа"(it's me dad), I say as I hand him the tags.


"Yeah, it's me". I close the distance between us and hug him.

"Umm, what is going on here? Kid how do you know Russian and assassin dude" Mr. Stark asks.

"Umm", I look at my dad as if asking for permission to tell them, he nods. "He is my father"

"What now, I thought your parents died?"

"My adoptive parents did"

"They died" dad asks and I nod "I'm sorry, bambi"

"Ummm, so what do we do now?" Captain America asks.

"Maybe we shouldn't fight and just sort this out like adults" The Black Widow suggests.

"We still need to go to Siberia, he is still out there free and we don't want another problem" Captain America argues.

"How about I send some agents there to take care of it and we settle all this" Black Widow responds. Everyone agrees and we head back into the jet.

Bucky's POV

I can't believe I found him, I have missed him since I had to leave him. I'm glad we don't have to fight anymore, but feel bad that he lost his new family.

During the whole flight home we sit in the back corner and talk to get to know each other better. I missed so much of his life and I want to redeem myself. As we're talking I see tony walk over.

"Listen, Barnes, Steve told me what happened to my parents. I'm mad but get you weren't in control"

"I'm sorry", after I said that he walks away.

"Dad,it's not your fault, none of it is"

"Thank you, bambi. Also when did you learn Russian"

"Well I continued learning it after you gave me to the orphanage, I knew who you were and wanted to be ready when the day came that I met you"

"I love you, Peter"

"I love you too, dad"

No one's POV

Everyone talked over the accords and got them changed to fit everyone's liking. Bucky got guardianship of Peter and they moved into the tower with the rest of the avengers. Over time Bucky got Hydra removed from his head and got to know his son and the avengers got to know their newest members.


Well there is the first part, I hope everyone enjoyed this. If their is any errors or such please let me know.  And please leave any feedback and requests you have.

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