Peter Barton (part 1)

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Background: When Peter was 4 Hydra wanted his dads research so they came and killed his parents, aunt, and uncle.  They took the research and took Peter.  When he was 5 Shield came and rescued him and because he had no family Clint decided to adopt him.  He had some training from his year at Hydra so they trained him to become and agent.  Hydra still wants him though.
Peter is now 16, does not take place in a specific time (avengers: Steve,tony,Wanda,vision,Thor,Bucky,Clint, Natasha,Sam), Clint is married and has Lila and cooper (no Nathaniel)

Clints POV

"Alright we need somewhere to lay low, all shield safe houses are compromised, since Hydra has hacked all the files" Steve assessed, stressfully.

"So anyone have any secret houses that no one knows about" Tony ask, not expecting a answer.

"How about your house" Natasha whispers to me.

"No way, if Hydra's after us I am not bringing them back to Peter" i state while whispering.

"We need a place and you know we're gonna end up going to a run down motel, which will more then Linley get us caught and you know Peter will come after us alone anyway" Natasha argues, still whispering.

"Fine but you better make sure that everyone here knows that we will, under no circumstance, lead them to Peter" Clint replies while getting up.
"I have a place we can go, while I type in the coordinates listen to Natasha."

"Ummm, ok" Sam reply's hesitantly

"Under no circumstance can we lead Hydra to this house or too anyone in it" Natasha states with no room for argument.

"Their are people there, will they give us away?" Steve ask, hesitant.

"No, they are my family.  This is all under raps we keep them out of everything" I demand.

"Alright, take control" tony reply's. I finish putting in the last part of the coordinates and sit down.

"Alright, it will be about an hour or two." I say then turn to Nat. "He better not get hurt Nat"

"He won't, he's a strong kid and he is better trained then you and just as good as me, if not better"

"I hope so. Now get some sleep Nat they will be excited to see you."

—time skip—

We have finally arrived and the jet is landing now.

"Remember what we talked about" I state one more time.

"We will" tony says, kinda annoyed in why I am so uptight about this. We get off and start heading to the direction of the farmhouse. I am honestly ver nervous, Peter know his past and him being Spider-Man has had his fair share of encounters with Hydra. He is worried that one day they'll get him and honestly, so am I.

"Honey, I'm home"

"Hey dad, mom is at the store and please tell me I'm not hallucinating and the avengers are at our door. Wait if they are here that means there is a problem, what's wrong" unknown to the avengers, but Peter said.

"Hey Pete, are your siblings with her"

"Yeah, they wanted to go. I decided to stay to work in the lab"

"Ok, yes the avengers are here and yes there is a problem that we need to talk about. So guys this is my son Peter, Peter these are the Avengers."

"Auntie Nat!"

"Hey Bambi" Natasha replied with as they hugged.

"Auntie Nat, is that Bruce Banner and Tony Stark behind you" peter ask, excitement lacing his voice.

"Yes Peter, that is them"

"Oh my god this is amazing, dad can you believe this. Oh wait of corse you can you work with them and brought them. This is crazy. Wait what is the problem."

"We will discuss it when your mom and siblings get home, why don't you go show Stark and Banner your lab. I am sure they will love it" I told peter.

"Ok, is it what I am thinking it is dad"

"Yes Peter, we will talk about it later"

"Ok dad, ummm Mr.Stark and Dr.Banner umm if you want you can ummmm come see my lab, I think it's cool but ummm I don't know" peter stammers.

"Yeah, we would love to also call me Tony and Bruce, Bruce"

"That's disrespectful, though" I laugh at peters response as they head down to the lab.

Peter's POV

"Ummm, so this is my lab" I said nervously.

"W-wow this is amazing, this has stuff even we don't have" Bruce says shock clear in his voice.  Tony and Bruce look around the lab as I stand at the door, concerned about the problem.  I don't want to be taken by them again, they have caught me a couple times but shields always got me out.  I'm scared for the day when they can't.

"Peter" tony say worried.

"Huh, yeah"

"Are you ok, you seem distracted"

"Just the problem,  which caused you come here"

"Oh, their is nothing you need to worry about.  We will deal with it they are just after this weapon that apparently shield stole, I am sure we will get it settled quickly" tony explained like it was no problem.

"What" I scream and run upstairs to my family and the rest of the avengers.

"Dad, how could you say it was no big deal.  This is a huge deal and you did not tell me" I yelled at him.

"I was going to tell you Pete, I just wanted to tell mom what was going on before you so I had some kind of plan". Dad explains calmly.

"You should of told me the second you walked in, this is my life on the line.  It is me they want and you thought I should not know right away"

"I realize now I should of told you I'm trying to protect you and I know you will say you don't need my protection, but I care about you and I can't loose you"Dad reply's tears forming in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Dad, I shouldn't have shout.  All you have don't is keep me safe" I respond quietly.

"Umm what is going on and what does he mean they are after him" Steve asks.  Dad goes on to explain everything from when I was a child to Spider-Man to everything else that has happened.

"So long story short Hydra has been wanting Pete for a long time now, he was supposed to take over and be stronger and better then anyone before, and he is, he is just not on their side". Dad explains.

"That's why you didn't want us to come here?" Sam asks.


"We need to figure out a plan, we need to end them forever so they can't hurt anyone else" I say.

Their will be a part 2, I'm sorry it was just getting too long for one part.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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