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When Ash stepped back onto land for the first time, it felt like she was stepping into another reality.

"Oh my..." she breathed. She breathed in the smell of fresh baked bread, green grass, and even the pungent smell of livestock.

"It is good to be back, isn't it?" Pierre asked from beside her.

"Yes," Asterin glanced around. "But do remember that we're not here to be lazying about."

Ash rolled her eyes as they walked away. "Do you think we could do just a little bit of lazying?" She pinched her index finger and thumb together.

"Oh, of course," Pierre smirked. "If I want to lazy about, you must, too. I am your escort, afterall."

She clicked her tongue and they walked ahead together. "Pity, isn't it?"


They walked through the town, past pedestrians buying fruits at markets, and shops with pastry-filled windows.

Ash was so hungry for good food again, she could practically taste it all. It must have shown.

"Are you hungry?"


"We should get some pies."

"'fraid I don't have any money, though."

"Me neither. Watch."

She looked at Pierre as his fingers slipped into a stranger's pocket as they passed, and produced several coins. No one noticed.

He counted them and grinned. "More than enough for two pies."

"How'd you do that?" She asked in disbelief.

"It's a gift," he said, simply, and under his breath. "Stealing is the only aspect of being a pirate that I like. I've always been good at it, and nothing is better than seeing a fool fumbling around looking for lost items....knowing I'm the cause."

He never failed to surprise her.

"Is that how we're paying for our inn rooms these next few nights?"

"More than likely. I'm not one to torture people to get my own way," he said as they pushed open the bakery door and went inside.

The man at the counter threw them a glare. "You and your girlfriend pirates?"

"First of all," Pierre answered in an exasperated tone, "she's not my girlfriend. And second, no we're not pirates. That would simply be embarrassing. Could we get two peach pies?"

"Look like pirates. You look queer, too."

"Being queer would also be very embarrassing."

He looked past the man, and into the kitchen, where a boy his age with sandy-brown hair was struggling to hold up three pans of bread at once. Pierre caught the boy's eye and Ash saw him wink. She fought not to laugh at the boy's deep blush.

"Now, could we get the pies?"

"I want to see the mon-

Pierre threw the coins onto the counter and stared the man down. "Get me my fucking pies."

The man begrudgingly pulled two peach pies off the racks and placed them on the counter, snatching up the coins into his meaty hand.

Ash stepped forward. "I believe we get three of those back." She held out her hand.

"Whoops, my mistake," he sneered and dropped the coins into her hand.

Neither Pierre nor Ash said a thank you before they left. Though, she did sneak a muffin into her pocket as they went out the door. She decided the man would appreciate that.

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