Chapter 14-Food Themed and Belly Shirts

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"Okay guys from the top...1! 2! 3! 4!" I shouted 

The cowbell player started thwacking the cowbell and the drummer started slamming away. My guitarist was using his magic fingers.

"We, we go together like sugar and sweets. Summer time and heat. There's something special between us even people who haven't seen us say it's magical." I sang.

Suddenly the cowbellist started getting off beat.

"Stop. STOP! Jerry it's bum bum bum tis tis bum." I explained to Jerry.  

He nodded and apologized.

"How about we try with Candy Cane Lane." I said.

They started playing.

"Woahhh woahhh yeaaa. You and me we are sweet like a treat you can eat. We're like dessert after a fancy meal. We look so dang good." I sang.

Then Terry played the wrong chord.

"Terry No!" I yelled.

"Okay...we will do the easiest song we have...Grilled Chicken." I said.

The boys started playing Grilled Chicken's opening.

"Hey girl won't you come to my house, come to my house. We can sing and dance all night and play the drummers with my chicken drum sticks, chicken drum sticks." I sang.

"CUT CUT! I'm not feeling it." I stated.

"Uh I have one question." Luke said.

"And that would be" I asked looking at him raising an eyebrow.

"Why are our all your songs about food?" He asked as he got up from the drums.

"I write when I'm hungry." I answered.


My ears are bleeding. Ryan and his new oh so fabulous band have been practicing for twenty minutes.

They are terrible. I think I'd rather be forced to hold a tarantula for an hour than listen to them another second.

I decided to invite Skylar over even though I was unsure about it cause I didn't want her to go deff.

I finally trusted her enough to give her my number.

J-Hey do u wanna come over I'm also not responsible for any loss of hearing

S-Sure whats Ur address and what's going on

J-Ryan Follese and The Cowbells

S-They're that bad O.o

J-yea...1234 yeehaw avenue

S-K be there in ten

I put my phone down an suddenly I heard Ryan's bad again

"1! 2! 3! 4! I want you to love me like I'm a dessert baby! I want you to lick me like I'm a swirly lollipop! Anything you want anything you dream you can even add whipped cream!" He sang right before shouting to stop and lecturing Jerry on how hard to hit the cowbell.

I rolled my eyes. He is a complete idiot if he thinks he's getting anywhere with that band.

I sat there and grumped about it for a few before I got a text. this your house

I ran downstairs and opened the front door. Sure enough her car was parked in my driveway.

She shut it off and hopped out. I could hear Ryan start another one of his food themed songs.

She made a weirded out face.

"Yea it's THAT bad." I said.

"Wow you were right." She said as we walked in.

"To make it even better they are all food themed too." I told her.

She looked confused.

"Just listen." I said.

"Your like the sprinkles on the frosting, my sugar cookie JERRY FOR FUCKS SAKE I'VE TOLD YOU IT'S NOT TIS TIS TIS BUM TIS! IT'S TIS BUM BUM BUM TIS BUM!" Ryan shouted.

Skylar started laughing.

"He sounds charming." She laughed.


"Let's go to my room." I suggested.

"Yea." She said.

I lead her to my room. I closed the door and she sat on the chair at my desk and I sat on my bed.

I watched her look around then her eyes landed on the cymbal that was still in the wall.

"Oh my gosh. W-what happened?" She asked shocked.

"The fight I was telling you about the other day." I said simpily.

"Did he do that?" She asked quietly.

"Yea he ripped it off I ducked at the right second otherwise it would done that to me." I stated.

"I'm suddenly scared to be here." She said.

"Don't be he shouldn't screw withe but if he does he won't mess with you." I reassured her.

" what are we gonna do?" She asked.

"Wanna go watch t.v. Or something?" I suggested.

She nodded her head and we went into the living room.

I found the remote and sat beside her on the couch.

I pushed the power button an the t.v. Came on.

On the screen there was Ryan wearing a belly shirt that said Ryan Follese and the cowbells. Jerry was shaking his hips as he hit the cowbell. Terry was confused about what was going on, well he looked like it. Luke was just bashing away at the drums while Ryan danced like some kind of old cougar.

I quickly hit the power button but the t.v. would not shut off. I hit it again.

"Oh my gosh it won't work." I said frantically as I continued pushing the button.

"Batteries!" Skylar shouted. I jumped up and took off to the kitchen and got some new batteries knocking a chair down on my way back. I switched out the batteries an shut the t.v. off I sighed and slumped down next to Skylar.

"Why were you thumping!" Ryan shouted as he appeared out of nowhere.

"I knocked a chair over." I said calmly.

He glared at me.

"I know what your doing you little inbred chihuahua. Your trying to mock me infront of this girl to make me look like some kind of idiot." He growled.

"You don't need my help that shirt does it all for you." I growled back.

He narrowed his eyes and glared at me one last time then he turned o his heel like a diva and strut out of the room.

"Awkward..."Skylar said.

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